www.augpusa.org and www.unugp.education Email augp.info@gmail.com
Posted By :-
Amb. Dr. Dylbere Dika
Director General Of Diplomatic Mission www.dmpp.org
And International Director Of Women Empowerment Of AUGP USA www.augpusa.org and United Nations University For Global Peace USA www.unugp.education
Amb. Dr. Lumturi Veladi,
Ambassador Of Women Empowerment . Of AUGP USA and Diplomatic Mission.www.dmpp.org
World News : New York :
His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan ,The Founder Chairman Of Academy Of Universal Global Peace USA ( AUGP USA ) www.augpusa.org Cum The Chairman of Diplomatic Mission www.dmpp.org Europe & Balkan Nations Cum The Chairman of UNUGP USA www.unugp.education along with All The Board Of Governors of the Governing Council of Governors of more than 180 Countries & H.E. Amb. Dr. Pauline Long The Ambassador Of AUGP USA and UNUGP USA For UK and Europe have expressed their Heartiest Congratulation to Her Excellency Dr. KATE ANOLUE for Elected as The MAYOR For the Second Tenure in LONDON Borough of Enfield .
Her Excellency Dr. KATE ANOLUE is the first African Caribbean woman elected as Mayor twice in the same LONDON Borough of Enfield
Her Excellency Dr. KATE ANOLUE is the first African Caribbean woman elected as Mayor twice in the same LONDON Borough of Enfield
Her Excellency Dr. KATE ANOLUE is an old Alumni of AUGP USA and also The PEACE AMBASSADOR of AUGP USA in UK who received many prestigious International Awards, Medals & Certificates from AUGP USA & UNUGP USA. She is a ROLE MODEL PEACE AMBASSADOR and a World Reputed Women Known for her dynamic Leadership for Women Empowerment and Youth Empowerment , who is now with full dedication very much focused on Youths & Women Empowerment with innovative skills. In the past She helped our 35 Years old Academy AUGP USA (an Inter - Govt. Organization Under The Federal Govt. Of USA and UN , – Govt. Registration No. 010104001 & Registered Under USA Government / IRS No. 82777778/CP575 SA. ) ; to Build up a Transformed Civilization of , " PEACE LOVING - PEACE LIVING - PEACE PRACTICING " by Establishing Global Peace For the Sustainable development of Nations to Make Nations Strong with Prosperity .
We all Wish Her Excellency Dr. KATE ANOLUE a Great Success in her this 2nd Tenure As MAYOR IN LONDON CITY -Enfield
A Video of the Mayor Ceremony can be seen in this Link Please https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6YMMTstckM&feature=youtu.be
Some Photos His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan with H.E Dr. KATE ANOLUE can be seen in the link -----> https://photos.app.goo.gl/iU7rmMoBRMW8yXEm7
Posted By :-
Amb. Dr. Dylbere Dika
Director General Of Diplomatic Mission www.dmpp.org
And International Director Of Women Empowerment Of AUGP USA www.augpusa.org and United Nations University For Global Peace USA www.unugp.education
Amb. Dr. Lumturi Veladi,
Ambassador Of Women Empowerment . Of AUGP USA and Diplomatic Mission.www.dmpp.org