Thursday, August 18, 2022

World News | New York | His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan ,Founder and Chairman and all the Board of Governing Council Of AUGP , UNGP USA in all it's branches in 120 Countries have expressed their congratulations to Hon'ble Prime Minister and Minister Of Foreign Affairs HRH Amb. Dr. Percy Tamayo for his incredible achievements , Email :

Press Release. 

St. Thomas  United States of America,  Virgin Islands     



                                                                         I Cacique Ahyalawan G. Guazabara                               As Chief President of the United Taino First Nation I would like to give a warm welcome to our Prime

Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs. Ambassador Dr. Percy Tamayo. Whose many titles reflect his tireless efforts for Indigenous and human rights as well as indigenous economic  self-sustainability. Ambassador Tamayo is GLOBAL GOODWILL AMBASSADOR (GGA). UNITED NATIONS - SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDG) UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSITY FOR GLOBAL PEACE (UNUGP) CO-FOUNDER & SECRETARY GENERAL. High Commissioner of the World Humanity Commission (WHC), High  Commissioner of the Human Rights Global Security Council (HRGSC) and its Human Rights Police (HRP), a leading proponent of the PEACE Non- Violence and Human Rights Commanding General,  Ambassador at large Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Vitalicio for the World Humanity Commission (WHC). We the Taino people through out the Caribbean, South and North America have for 1000s of years  been a Proud People, Humble in Spirit, we have also continued to have our Warrior Spirit which is reflected by our very existence through countless attempts to dismantle, enslave and erase our Ancestral Heritage from our hearts and History.  Today The United Taino First Nation moves in the direction to become the First Federally recognized Taino Nation and First Sovereign Taino Nation to be recognized by the United Nations. With the help of you! the voice of the people we shall secure the future of our people, our heritage, our language and our custom for generations to come. As you go through your daily activities I ask each one of you to look at your fellow Taino Brothers and Sisters and Speak out loud "Heketi" because we are "One". In closing I say to you all Seneko Kakona. 

Posted By : 

Dr. Dylbere Dika,
Director General Of DMPP &  UNUGP / AUGP USA
Dr. Dylbere Dika, 

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