Monday, April 28, 2014

Dr. Madhu Krishan & Dr. Shefki Hysa Congratulated Dr. Enver Ferizaj For Getting The Prestigious Award Of " BEST MANAGER" in Europe & Balkans Nations.

His Eminence Dr. Madhu Krishan The Founder & Chairman Of " ACADEMY OF UNIVERSAL GLOBAL PEACE "-AUGP  and Dr. Shefki Hysa The Governor Of  Diplomatic Mission Congratulated  Dr. Enver Ferizaj for getting the Prestigious Award Of " BEST MANAGER" in Europe and Balkans Nations.

 The Regional Independent Agency for the selection of the the best companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Southeast and Central Europe, the Management European Association in Bosnia and Herzegovina and “Euromanager” magazine, honored the President of Albanian Agro-business Council, Dr. Enver Ferizaj The Third Consecutive Time Elected President Of Albania State Agro-Business Council , Ministry Of Agriculture.
The President of Albanian Agro-business Council Dr. Enver Ferizaj received the title of “The Best Manager” with the highest gratitude and honor in the region of Southeast and Central Europe.
The professional jury consisting of remarkable personalities from academic, diplomacy and business world from Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro and Germany have selected unanimously Dr. Enver Ferizaj as “The Best Manager”.   
The experts have estimated the role and contribution of Dr. Enver Ferizaj in the governance of the Albanian Agro-business Council and also the successful achievement and collaborations in the region of Southeast and Central Europe. 
This reward came as another evaluation for Dr. Ferizaj after he had received the title “Doctor Honoris Causa” conferred by Academy of Universal Global Peace By His Eminence Dr, Madhu Krishan, It’s Founder & Chairman .

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Posted By :-
Advocate Elsa Tahiri,
Legal Advisor Of Diplomatic Mission

Friday, April 25, 2014

Dr. Madhu Krishan & Dr.Shefki Holding Strategic Meeting with Mr.Muhamet Malo , The Chairman Of Sports & Youth Television Of Europe
His Eminence Dr. Madhu Krishan  The Fonder and Chairman Of " Academy Of Universal Global Peace"- " AUGP " and  Dr.Shefki Hysa The Governor Of Diplomatic Mission -DMPP  Holding Strategic Meeting with Mr.Muhamet Malo , The Chairman Of Sports and Youth Television Of Europe

Muhamet Malo – The Leader of Peace Sports

Muhamet Malo was born on 13th May 1957 in Tirana, Albania. He passed his childhood in his birthplace where he finished his primary and elementary school. He finished his high school studies in the Vocational High School “Josif Pashko”. After finishing high school, he conducted several trainings and courses on business management.
Muhamet Malo has been one of the most remarkable sportsmen in wrestling and has been distinguished during his sports career. From 1971 to 1977 he started his wrestling activity with the sports club “The student”. In 1977 he was wrestler in the sports club “The Partisan” for two years, until 1979. From 1979 to 1990 Muhamet Malo was wrestler at the sports club “The student”.
Mr. Muhamet Malo, Honorary Advisor of DMPP
Muhamet Malo has a very rich background on work experience in several fields besides that of sports.  He was President of the Albanian Wrestling Federation from 1992 to 1996. Since 2005 Muhamet Malo is President of the Albanian National Association of Wrestling.  In 2008 he was nominated Honorary President of the Albanian Wrestling Federation and continues to carry this post. In December 2013 Muhamet Malo was appointed President of the Albanian Wrestling Federation but on January 2014 he resigned from this post for personal reasons. Muhamet Malo is president of two companies “Top Start” and “Dajti Ekspres” and also President of the TV station “Telesport”.
During his sports career, Muhamet Malo has received many titles and has been declared champion several times of the Cup of Republic. From 1981 to 1982 he has been National Champion of 82-90 kg in Greek-roman style. In 1982 he was conferred the title Sports Master for his remarkable contributions in sports.
Muhamet Malo, Honorary Advisor of DMPP
Muhamet Malo has been contributor and donor of many sports federations especially in heavy sports such as weightlifting, judo, wrestling, athletics etc,   in national and international activities of Albanian sports. He has also sponsored many organizations of orphans, blind people and paraplegics. For these reasons, he has been decorated and honored with Certificates by different International organizations.
In 2004 Muhamet Malo received as acknowledgement the title Sport et Media CIO-IOC by the Albanian Olympic Committee. Muhamet Malo was the second personality to receive this title after the president Rexhep Mejdani. On 23rd October 2005, Muhamet Malo was acknowledged by the Albanian Athletics Federation for the contribution given in the actualization of the Marathon of Tirana, Memorial of Mother Teresa.
In 2006, Muhamet Malo received acknowledgement as President of  “Dajti Ekspres” company, as one of the best businessmen of the year by the Albanian Center on Investigative Journalism and the Chamber of Commerce of Tirana. In October of the same year, he was acknowledged in San Marino by the European Weightlifting Federation. In 2nd December 2007, the National Institute of Albanian Orphans Education acknowledged Muhamet Malo, as a dignified Representative of the Albanian business for the valuable contribution in help of the people in need especially orphans.
Muhamet Malo, Honorary Advisor of DMPP
In June 2009, he was conferred an Acknowledgement Certificate for the special contribution during years for the values preservation, creation and consolidation of the school Bajram Curri. In October 2009 as President of Dajti Ekspres Company he is evaluated with the price “Albanian Leader 2009”. In 2009, Muhamet Malo received also a Medal by the European Wrestling Federation.
During 2011, Muhamet Malo received acknowledgment by several institutions such as: Albanian Weightlifting Federation, Albanian Judo Federation, Albanian Athletics Federation and Albanian Weightlifting Federation. He was also acknowledged by the Albanian Blinds Association and was also appointed Member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Albania.
Muhamet Malo, as an intellectual erudite with a noble and charitable heart, has helped a lot the social classes in need. He is one of the most committed peace missionaries in the International Lobbying Organization Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity, accredited by UN, EU, USA. In 2011, Muhamet Malo started collaborating with DMPP as a Honorary Member of this mission.In 24 November 2012 Muhamet Malo received acknowledgement by the 5thInternational Tour in Wrestling Adem Jashari. In November 2013 he was acknowledged by the Federation of Judo for his continuous contribution and support for the judo sport in Albania. In 2013 the Weightlifting Federation gave him a degree for his valuable continuous support in the development of weightlifting and the sponsorship of the federation and European and World Championships.
Since 2014, Muhamet Malo is an Honorary Advisor of this mission that operates in the Balkans and worldwide for peace and prosperity in help of the countries under development, according to the principles of the American democracy.

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Arba Berdica
Top Advisor of DMPP

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Dr. Madhu Krishan and H.E. Dr. Shefki Hysa held a Strategic Meeting with Mr. Agron Çela, Deputy and Member Of Parliament Of Republic Of Albania and Dr. Belma Çela, Honorary Consul of Mongolia .  and

His Eminence Dr. Madhu Krishan The Founder & Chiarman Of " ACADEMY OF UNIVERSAL GLOBAL PEACE"  - "AUGP" and  H.E. Dr. Shefki Hysa The Governor Of "Diplomatic Mission - DMPP" held a Strategic Meeting   with  Mr. Agron Çela, Deputy and Member Of Parliament Of Republic Of Albania and Dr. Belma Çela, Honorary Consul of Mongolia .


Posted By :- Diplomatic Mission, 

Republic Of Albania- Europe.
Diplomatic Mission
Arba , Chief Advisor Of Diplomatic Mission -DMPP,

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Dr.Madhu Krishan and H.E. Dr. Shefki Hysa held a Strategic Meeting with Mr. Artan Didi The General Director Of Albania State Police , The Republic Of Albania.  and

His Eminence Dr.Madhu Krishan , The Founder & Chairman Of "ACADEMY OF UNIVERSAL GLOBAL PEACE " - AUGP  and  H.E. Dr. Shefki Hysa ,The Governor Of  "Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity -DMPP" Cum International Governor of AUGP held a Strategic Meeting with Mr. Artan Didi The General Director Of Albania State Police  , The  Republic Of Albania.

Dr. Madhu Krishan expressed his Gratitude to Mr. Artan Didi for his Excellent Dynamic Leadership Managerial skills in making Albania a Role Model  not only in Albania but in Balkans & European Nations also. Dr. Madhu Krishan further emphasized the vital role of Police authorities who Bridge between the Civil Society & The Government and are actively involved in the OVER ALL PEACE KEEPING & PEACE BUILDING PROCESS thereby contributing in The NATION BUILDING  and the Sustainable Development of the Country. He also Proposed to Mr. Artan Didi for Collaborating with The Police Department and all the respective stockholders for Innovative , Advanced & Applied "Skilled Leadership Training The Trainer Program" so that gradually PEACE BUILDERS can be build in huge numbers who shall progress magnetically to Train others in their respective geographical areas  to BUILD A TRANSFORMED CIVILIZATION OF " PEACE LOVING - PEACE LIVING - PEACE PRACTICING  "  Community World Wide.

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Posted By :- Diplomatic Mission, 

Republic Of Albania- Europe.
Diplomatic Mission
Arba , Chief Advisor Of Diplomatic Mission -DMPP,

Monday, April 21, 2014

Dr. Madhu Krishan along with Dr. Shefki Hysa Conferred Doctorate Degree to Dr. Agim Shahini At Republic Of KOSOVA  and

His Emminence Dr. Madhu Krishan, The Founder & Chairman Of 'Academy  Of Universal Global Peace '-AUGP; along with Dr. Shefki Hysa, The Governor Of  'Diplomatic Mission - DMPP' Conferred Doctorate Degree to Dr. Agim Shahini The President of AKB of Republc Of Kosova on 17th Apil'2014, in the midst of Former President Of Republic Of Kosova & Ministers, Deputy Minister, Member Of Parliament, Parliamentarians, Chamber Of Commerce Reps, & many VVIPs from across The World with well attended Masses at Republic Of KOSOVA which was widely covered by Electronic  (TV )Media & Press (Print)  Media.

On The Recommendations Of Dr. Enver Ferizaj The President Of Agro -Association Council Of Albania cum The Ambassador Of AUGP, Dr. Shefki Hysa The Governor Of DMPP & International Governor Of AUGP, On the basis of  The World Governing Council Of AUGP  of 70 Nations passed the Resolution at its Headquarter at New Yark, USA which was ultimately duely approved  By The Founder & Chairman, Dr. Madhu Krishan,  The Doctorate Degree was Conferred upon Dr. Agim Shahini at a Global Peace Seminar Cum Convocation at Swiss Diamond International Auditorium at Republic Of KOSOVA.

For Mor Photos, kindly Click Here

NEWS Published In many Leading National & International News Papers, :-

Agim Shahini dekorohet me titullin “Doktor Honoris Causa” për ekonomi e diplomaci ndërkombëtare nga Akademia Universale Botërore e Paqes

Prishtinë, 17 prill Kryetari i Aleancës Kosovare të Bizneseve Agim Shahini, ka marrë titullin “Doktor Honoris Causa” për ekonomi dhe diplomaci ndërkombëtare nga Akademia Universale Botërore e Paqes e akredituar nga OKB-ja, USA dhe UE-ja.
Agim Shahini, kryetar i AKB-së, tha se titulli ”Doktor Honoris Causqa”, e motivon edhe më shumë për angazhime. 
“Kosova është një vend i prosperitetit dhe më vije mirë që këtë përparim e vlerësojnë sot më shumë se shtatëdhjetë shtete të botës për të më nderuar me këtë titull”, tha Shahini
Ai shtoi se mbetet obligim i përbashkët që të punojnë edhe më shumë, që të japin kontribut edhe më shumë, sepse Kosova ka nevojë për ne dhe ka nevojë për një ekonomi të fuqishme e të qëndrueshme. Sipas tij ka nevojë po ashtu edhe për një aleancë të përbashkët globale.
“Ky titull më obligon që të rrënojmë kufijtë e të gjithë atyre që tentojnë ti ndalojnë qytetarët e të tjerë që të lëvizin e punojnë lirshëm. Duhet angazhim më shumë nga ata të cilët kanë qëlllim të tyre zhvillimin ekonomik dhe diplomacinë ndërkombëtare”, tha Agim Shahini.
Kryetari AKB-së, tha se vendi ka nevojë për ndryshime dhe ato duhet ti bëjnë kosovarët vetë me punë dhe angazhime, e jo të presin nga të tjerët.
Dr.Madhu Krishan, president i Akademisë Universale Botërore të Paqes, tha se rezolutën për ndarjen e titullit  “Doktor Honoris Causa” për ekonomi dhe diplomaci ndërkombëtare për Agim Shahinin, e kanë miratuar shtatëdhjetë shtete të asambles së përgjitshme me seli në Nju York. 
Sipas tij ky titull i jepet për kontributin e dhënë të tij për zhvillimin ekonomik të shoqërisë së Kosovës. 
President i Akademisë Universale Botërore të Paqes, tha se Kosova po ashtu ka dhënë mesazhe paqeje në të gjitha format dhe  tituj të tillë i jepen  njerëzve meritor dhe vlerësimit të figurës së tyre. 
Presidenti Fatmir Sejdiu,  e ka vlerësuar lartë dhënien e këtij titulli për Shahinin. Sipas tij atë që e bënë biznesi, kultura e sporti nganjëherë nuk mund ta bëjë as politika dhe kjo ka rëndësi. 
Edhe Dr.Shefki Hysa, përfaqësues i Misionit Diplomatik për Prosperitet e Paqe në Shqipëri, tha se dhënia e titullit “Doktor Honoris Causa” për Agim Shahini, ka rëndësi të jashtëzakonshme. Ky mision tituj të tillë i ka dhënë shumë personalitetev të shquara në mbarë globin dhe njëra nga këto figura të shquara në Kosovë është edhe Agim Shahini.  
Nenad Rashiq, ministër i Punës dhe Mirëqenies Sociale, tha se  është ky titulli i parë që i jepet një personaliteti në Kosovë dhe të cilin titull e cilësoi të rëndësishëm.
Edhe biznesemei Ramiz Kelmendi, e vlerësoi lartë dhënien e titullit “Doktor Honoris Causa”për Agim Shahini, njeriu i cili për disa vjet ka qenë dhe mbetet zëri i bizneseve.   
Në këtë ceremoni kishte edhe parfaqësues të tjerë nga jeta institucionale, politike, ekonomike e fusha të tjera. 
Sinqerisht Zyra par media e AKB-së

A Brief Profile Of  Dr. Agim Shahini

Agim Shahini was born on 9 March 1963 in Novolan, Vushtrri, Kosovo in a family with early patriotic traditions. He finished the elementary and primary school in Novolan village. Later on, he finished high school in Vushtrri and then decided to continue his studies in economics. He graduated in Economics as one of the best students of his generation.
Dr. Shefki Hysa, Governor of DMPP and Mr. Agim Shahini, President of AKB
Agim Shahini started his own business in 1990 and since then he is businessman and owner of Besarti in the sector of Trade and Services. From March 2000 to September 2002, Agim was President and Founder of Business Association in the Municipality of Vushtrri. During this time he has been engaged in the implementation of DELTA Project, which deals with the development of strategic plans for municipality of Vushtrri. He has been also regular Participant of World Organization of Labor in Geneva (ILO), and participant of World Organization of Trade (WOT). He was also certified in Local Economic Development (LED) in the Open Society Institute in Budapest 2002/2003.
Agim Shahini is Founder and President of Alliance of Kosovo Businesses since 2002 and he still carries this post.
(AKB) is the main association of voluntary businesses in Kosovo which represents over 10200 businesses with 23 associations, and serves to the community of business through advocacy, training and promotion of products in order to help the development of local economy, incomes growth in sector, employment growth and fulfillment of the requirements of consumers. Since the establishment,AKB has worked in development of cooperation between Private sector and the public one including civil society and donor organizations in Kosovo.
Dr. Enver Ferizaj, President of AAC and Mr. Agim Shahini, President of AKB
Agim Shahini as president of AKB had to lead all the meetings of AKB board, supervise the work, promote the prosperity and welfare of Alliance , help the increase of benefits of members from Alliance, and carry out other random assignments that appear. He has done an excellent job during all this time he has governed this institution by being fully devoted to reach the goals and purposes AKB.
Agim Shahini is Founder and Member of National Council for Economic Development – Office of Prime Minister since 2010. He is Member of National Council for Qualification – Ministry of Education and Technology in Kosovo since 2010. Since December 2013, Agim is Leader of Consultant Council, Customs of Kosovo and Administration of Tax in Kosovo, and businesses. He is also Member of the Social Economic Council – Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare since 2009. Agim Shahini is Member of the Council Small and Medium Enterprises – Ministry of Trade and Industry since 2010.
Agim Shahini has been leader of 50 national projects   in Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Great Britain , Italia, India and Israel. He has also had several agreements with Local Institutions: Municipality of Pristine, Prizren, Peje, Gjakove, Mitrovice, Gjilan, Ferizaj, Vushtrri, Graçanice and many other municipalities.
Agim Shahini has participated in few important meetings and conferences where he has represented private sector. Some of these conferences are: Conference for Economic Development held in London in 2004; Development of Small and Medium Enterprises and Business Incubators held in Turkey; Conference for Development of Business in Milano Italy; Conference for Regional Cooperation held in Selanik and Athens in Greece; The Program for Development of Business Associations held in Washington, USA 2006.
Dr. Enver Ferizaj, President of AAC and Mr. Agim Shahini, President of AKB
Agim Shahini was certified in Leadership International Program in 2006, in six states of the USA, Washington, Ohaio, Florida, Hiuta, New York, Columbus. He was participant in the drafting of the Plan for Development of Kosovo, from 2007 to 2013 and also Head of this project in the region of Pristine. He was also participant in the experts group for preparing the negotiations for KOSOVO’s SATUS of Unity Group in WAR DAMAGE sector.
Agim Shahini has organized many forums with local and national economic character in Kosovo and further more.  He was signatory of collective contract between Employees, Employers and Government in March 2014.  Agim Shahini continues to be a Leader of peace, Diplomatic Economy, in many places in the World, increasing the values of State of Kosovo in the political and economic aspects.
During his professional career, Agim Shahini has been acknowledged and awarded by several institutions for the remarkable contributions he has given to his country. From 2004 to 2013, more than 15 municipalities of Kosovo have awarded him for economic collaboration as a sign of gratitude by the country. Agim Shahini has been acknowledged annually by the local business from 2003 to 2013 by the Organization of the Kosovo Business Week. During this period of time, there were also several sports clubs that have given him awards on his work.
In 2006, the American State Department of Trade awarded Agim Shahini and four years later the Agency for the Investments’ Promotion in Geneva acknowledged his contributions and efforts in the field of trade and business. In 2010, the Government of Kosovo acknowledged him for the organization of employment in Kosovo where he provided for the employment of 2600 people.  In 2011, the Business Club Israel-Macedonia gave him an acknowledgement after ascertaining all his achievements in business undertakings.
During 2012 Agim Shahini was acknowledged by several institutions such as the Chamber of Commerce of Macedonia, the Municipality of Presheve, the University of Prizren, and the University Univerzum of Pristine and also by the Albanian Agro-business Council.
During 2013 Agim Shahini received awards and acknowledgement by the Chamber of Commerce Bulgaria – Macedonia, the Business Club Ana e Malit, Ulqin and also the Club of Elite Industrialists by Bucharest, Romania.
Agim Shahini, as an intellectual erudite with a noble and charitable heart, has helped a lot the social classes in need. He is one of the most committed peace missionaries in the International Lobbying Organization Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity, accredited by UN, EU, USA.Because of his daily commitment in his work, Agim Shahini has conducted several meetings with important worldwide personalities. He has conducted meetings with eight Presidents of different countries, ten Prime Ministers of several countries and over 50 Ministers from different countries of the world. In addition, Agim Shahini, has had meetings with more than 60 Ambassadors of different countries. Among others, he considers as very important the meetings he has conducted with the Chairman of the International Labor Organization and the Vice-Chairman of the International Trade Organization.
Agim Shahini is an Honorary Advisor of this mission that operates in the Balkans and worldwide for peace and prosperity in help of the countries under development, according to the principles of the American democracy.

Posted By :- Diplomatic Mission, 

Republic Of Albania- Europe.
Diplomatic Mission
Arba , Chief Advisor Of Diplomatic Mission -DMPP,

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Dr. Madhu Krishan and Dr. Shefki Hysa Lead The PEACE TREATY in among 12 Nations of Balkans & Europe.  and

PEACE TREATY was mutually agreed upon by "Academy Of Universal Global Peace" -AUGP along with "Diplomatic Mission"  -DMPP with  Dr. Sandor Milesz The Hungarian - The Vice President and  Prior  Of Sovereign Order Of SJK Malta  Of Balkhans Nations & Mr. Attila Borbath The respective Director For Propagating The Message of PEACE, LOVE, HARMONY ,SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT and Humanitarian Works etc in among 12 Nations of Balkans and  Europe. 

His Eminence Dr. Madhu Krishan The Founder & Chairman Of AUGP  & Dr. Shefki Hysa The Governor Of Diplomatic Mission DMPP Lead this Peace Treaty with Dr. Sandor Milesz  and Attila Borbath.

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Dr. Sándor Milesz – A Peace Missionary between Hungary and Albania

Dr. Sándor Milesz was born on 5th November 1958, in Beregszász. He finished his primary school in the Kossuth Lajos Secondary School, then continued his studies in Debrecen, in a Chemical Secondary School. In 1978, he got accepted in the Chemical Department of the University of Debrecen.
Dr. Sándor Milesz , Honorary Ambassador of DMPP
After graduating, in 1983 he became a tutor and researcher of the inorganic and analytics departments and the isotope laboratory of the University. In 1986, he finished his dissertation summa cum laude and became a doctor. That year he became a member of an international researcher group dealing with cancer, in the United Atomic Research Institute in Dubna, with a scholarship of MTA (Hungarian Academy of Science).
As a result of his work, he published several international scientific issues, participated in many conferences, prepared lectures. In addition, he applied for patents. In 1990 he went back to the University of Debrecen as a tutor, and at the same time began producing some products containing herbal components as an entrepreneur and applied for several patents.
From 1995, he became a vice-president of the Hungarian Traditional Medicine Society, the owner of the Pro Natura et Vita prize. In 1997, he got a life-work award in appreciation of his activity in the field of traditional medicine and health care.
Dr. Madhu Krishan, Chairman of AUGP and Honorary Chairman of DMPP and Dr. Sándor Milesz,Honorary Ambassador of DMPP
From 1997, he is the managing director of Forever Living Products Hungary Ltd being the main seller of Aloe Vera products in Hungary, South Slavic region, Albania and Kosovo. During the last years he played a main role in the massive development of the Company and in making the Aloe products widely popular and well-known.
Currently he is the leader of the Ltds, including the affiliated companies abroad, in 12 settlements. Besides Hungary, his activity includes businesses in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, Kosovo and Albania. He provides great support for those in need. He has continuously supported  children with cancer; collected money for the victims of the tidal wave, flood victims, infants. He also provides regular support for young artists and folk arts groups, children’s cultural groups etc.
He fulfills his tasks with the help of more than one million registered regular customers and distributors.
He is a member of the American Chamber of Commerce, the Hungarian Business Leaders Forum, the Joint Venture Association, Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists, the International Aloe Science Society and the Budapest Economics Forum.
Dr. Shefki Hysa, Governor of DMPP and Dr. Sándor Milesz,Honorary Ambassador of DMPP
In 2012, he won the second classification prize by the Hungarian Ministry of Defense for the hard work of the national defense.
He is the Hungarian Prior of the Sovereign Order of Saint John Knights of Malta and he undertakes responsible job in other Orders. In the framework of this charity organization, Sir Milesz Sándor has gathered donations in support of populations in nature calamities.
For example, two years earlier, when Shkodra region was under flood inundation Malta Sovereign Knights Association with the initiative of Sir Milesz Sándor and Sir Borbáth Attila, Director of Forever Living Products of Albania and representative of Malta Knights in Albania, brought in Albania a donation of medicaments for the hospitals with a value of about 800 000 Euro, transporting these aids with their expenditures.
He does an active work in the International Charity Foundation  “Forever Giving” of Forever Living Products.
He is the editor-in-chief of a commercial and network monthly magazine,  published in 50 thousand copies. In the meantime, he is finishing his first scientific book of Aloe Vera in 2014.
Dr. Milesz Sándor, as an intellectual erudite with a noble and charitable heart, has helped a lot the social classes in need. He is one of the most committed peace missionaries in the International Lobbying Organization Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity, accredited by UN, EU, USA.Dr. Milesz Sándor and his activity are an example for everyday strengthening of traditional Hungarian and Albanian friendship, not only inviting many groups in Hungary in the framework of activity of Forever Living Productions company but in other sectors as is the case of fraternal twinning between of Quarter 8 of Tirana Municipality and Quarter Budajenö of Budapest.
Dr. Milesz Sándor is an Honorary Ambassador of this mission that operates in the Balkans and worldwide for peace and prosperity in help of the countries under development, according to the principles of the American democracy.

Posted By :- Diplomatic Mission, 

Republic Of Albania- Europe.
Diplomatic Mission
Arba , Chief Advisor Of Diplomatic Mission -DMPP,