His Eminence Dr. Madhu Krishan, The Founder and Chairman Of " ACADEMY OF UNIVERSAL GLOBAL PEACE " - AUGP ; Conferred Doctorate Degree and Prestigious Award " ACADEMY AWARD " For Establishing Global Peace upon Dr Salézio Plácido Pereira The President Of World Academy Of Human Science. He is also ordained as Ambassador At Large Of AUGP in USA
Profile Of Prof. Dr Salézio Plácido Pereira
Psychoanalyst and writer
Professor psychoanalyst
Dr. Placido Salézio Pereira was born in Araranguá-SC, and at the age of
nineteen came to study in Santa Maria-RS, all his philosophical training,
Theological and Pedagogical was performed with effort and dedication. Soon
after, became psychopedagogist attending children with learning disabilities.
Held his training in psychoanalysis, became a psychoanalyst and held his
masters in educational psychology at the University of Santa Maria-RS, was a
university professor of the same institution for more than five years. He
devoted himself as a psychoanalyst, for over thirty years in the training of
future psychoanalysts.
Lived in Buenos Aires -
Argentina where remained for five years, where he conducted his scientific
research on the epistemology of humanistic psychoanalysis, was awarded the
title of doctor of social psychology. There was a lot of difficulty at the
beginning of his career as a psychoanalyst, because his training was of the
humanities, therefore, suffered boycotts, persecution unfortunately these
people do not know the history of psychoanalysis. Fortunately got over it and
asserted himself as a great psychoanalyst, coming to be recognized by the
International Society of Erich Fromm, being the representative in South
studies as a psychoanalyst and scientist, distinguished by the publication of
his doctoral thesis, "The complexity of the Unconscious," and then
followed up with several other books like 'My unhealthy life - clinical case
studies ", defender of thinking this humanistic psychoanalytic school
argued that the social, cultural social and political influence, are at the
origin of neuroses. Currently this guiding doctoral theses in the humanist
university of the Americas, where is its current director. Finally, he became a
man with creative ideas, his life has always been marked by enormous
challenges. He lost his father when he was fourteen while living in
Araranguá-SC. Years later, he became involved in social movements and was
impressed by the inhumanity, poverty, poverty of values that were present in
the lives of these people. Kept thinking and reflecting on human behaviors such
as alcoholism, licit drugs, and illicit drugs, violence and all sorts of
problems, which were part of society, especially its association with the
military regime in an age of totalitarianism, persecution and silence.
After his doctorate, decided to start writing several books on the epistemology
of humanistic psychoanalysis, always been a part of the psychoanalytic movement
at the international level, where he received support and recognition for their
work in training and research of the unconscious mind. All these scientific
research, can be found in the form of articles written by your fellow
psychoanalysts. Was also the founder of the Brazilian Psychoanalytic Society
Humanist, an effort and dedication to disseminate psychoanalytic knowledge in
the areas of human and social sciences.
Currently engaged in the
research education in humanistic psychoanalysis through humanistic university
of the americas, which is recognized by several organizations, institutes and
scientists. Due to the success of their scientific publications, decided to
found the world academy of human sciences, with the desire to bring together
all academic areas of the human and social sciences, to promote peace between
nations and the science and research in countries where there is no scientific
knowledge. After its publication, "Considerations on the humanistic
psychoanalysis of Erich Fromm" definitely marks the epistemology of this
school within the psychoanalytic science. His current line of research follows
the enlightenment of the world of emotions and drives, as a teacher conducts
his seminars at the Institute of Humanist psychoanalysis, and also lectures,
courses, and prestige at national and international recognition.
2014 he wrote two important books on teaching and research in science;
"Psychoanalysis: Science and Creativity", "The Origin of Science",
below is listed the name of their published works to date, which can be
purchased on the website: www.ITPHRS.ORG. www.universityhumanistic.org –
Books written by the
- Hypochondria : My Life sick . 1998. 126 Pág.
- Considerations " Humanist Psychoanalysis by Erich
Fromm. 2006. Pág.310
- The Nature of Emotions Unconscious. 2007. Pág. 177
- The Dilemma of Being Human in Existence. 2007. Pág.227
- The meaning of the Unconscious Images . 2007. Pág. 207
- The complexity of the Unconscious. 2008. 271 Pág.
- Humanistic and Existential psychopathology . 2009. 225
- The Theory and Practice of Psychoanalysis : From Freud
to Fromm. 2009. Pág.183
- Promotion and Prevention of Emotional Health . 2010.
Pág. 166.
- The interpretation of psychosomatic symptoms. 2010.
Pág.195 pág.
- The fear of love . 2010. 181 Pág.
- The clinic of emotions and instincts in psychoanalysis
humanist . 2010. Pág. 158
- Violence in Education: The sale of the Minds.
2011. Pág. 137
- Death instinct . 2011. Pág. 139
- Meet your emotions. 2011. 165pág.
- The Interpretation of Dreams. 2012. 176 Pág.
- Overcoming the trauma in psychoanalysis. 2012. Pág. 177
- Unconscious Mind. 2012. 230 Pág.
- The biophilia Love. 2013. 290 Pág.
- Psychoanalysis Leader Humanist. 2013 176 Pág.
- Cultural unconscious. 2014. 197 Pág.
- Psychoanalysis: Science and creativity. 2014. Pág.330
- The Origin of Science. 2014, Pág. 178
Organization and
Guidance Thesis and Research.
- Happiness and psychoanalysis. 2003 - Lisiane H.
Machado. P. 140
- Psychoanalysis in the third milenio. Antonio Mark
Tonetto. 2003. Pg. 260
- Disclaimer: The marks of life. 2003. Angelica Hendges.
2003. Pg. 134
- Marriage: Happiness or misery. Beatriz M. Florian.
2003. 162
- The trajectory of dreams in the history of mankind.
MercedezBraum. 2003. Pág.230
- The Humanist psychoanalysis a holistic vision.
Catherine Strong Brum. 2003. Pág124
- Forgiveness: The Way of consciousness. Renato Nunes
days. 2007. 158.
- The inlfuencia of neurosis in people's lives. Vera
Regina Silva Portella. 2007. Pág.208
- Interfaces psychoanalytic clinic. 2009. Pág. 378
- Humanist Psychoanalysis ; THEORY AND CLINICAL . 2010.
Pág. 322
- Through Transformation of Psychoanalysis. 2011. Pág.265
- The Theory and Technique of Psychoanalysis Humanistic.
2012. Pág.244
- Psychopathology of Psychical diseases . 2013. Pág.271
- The Interpretation of Dreams. 2013. Pág. 492
- Theories of psychoanalysis. 2014. Pág. 263
- Female Wound: A study of somatization. Rosangela C. M.
do Amaral. 2014. Pág.163.
- Family, education and society: From the vision of
humanistic psychoanalysis .. Doralina Jane Costa Soilo. 2014. Pág.203
- Psychoanalysis in everyday- Odette Therese Bittencourt.
2014. Page 96 .
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