Sunday, March 6, 2016

HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS HRH Royal Grand Vizier Amb. Dr. Percy TAMAYO And His Eminence Dr. MADHU KRISHAN Expressed their Heartfelt Condolence On The Death Of A Great Personality NANCY REAGAN, The Wife Of Ronald Reagan The Former President Of USA

The Ambassador At Large Of Academy Of Universal Global Peace – AUGP  H.E. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS HRH Royal Grand Vizier Amb. Dr. Percy TAMAYO Ph.D's.,J.D., LL.D. –WHC; Ambassador at-large Extraordinary, Plenipotentiary & Permanent Representative of the the Sovereign State Te Atua E Wa, MĀURI GOVERNMENT OF AOTEAROA To United Nations - UN General Assembly - UN Security Council. HRH Royal Grand Vizier of the Sovereign State Te Atua E Wa, MĀURI GOVERNMENT OF AOTEAROA and HRH Sultan Muhamad Hasan Kuth Pangrango Supreme Elder of the Sovereign State Te Atua E Wa, Sultanate of East Java of Indonesia. High Commissioner of Human Rights WHC - World Humanity Commission in 202 countries. Global Collaboration of Economic Social Development Council, Chairman, Founder and Secretary General.;
Along with His Eminence Dr. MADHU KRISHAN , The Ambassador At Large Of AMERICAN DIPLOMATIC MISSION For International Relation & The Founder Cum Chairman Of ACADEMY OF UNIVERSAL GLOBAL PEACE, New York, USA,
 Expressed Their HEARTFELT CONDOLENCE to the Entire Family members of The Then   First Lady Of USA , Nancy Reagan The  wife of Ronald Reagan The Former President Of USA.This Great Lady NANCY REAGAN Passed Away on 6th March.  
While living in retirement in California, Nancy continued to work on her campaign to teach children to "just say no" to drugs, and had been actively
engaged with events at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center and the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Center for Public Affairs. In her book My Turn, published in 1989, she gives her own account of her life in the White House. Through the joys and sorrows of those days, including the assassination attempt on her husband, Nancy Reagan held fast to her belief in love, honesty, and selflessness. "The ideals have endured because they are right and are no less right today than yesterday."
Nancy Reagan died at home in Los Angeles on March 6, 2016. She is to be buried along side her husband at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California. 

Dr. Madhu Krishan Instructed all The GOVERNORS Of  the 77  NATIONS Branches Of The Academy Of Universal Global Peace  To Hold Condolence Prayer Meeting In all its Branches .

H.E. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS HRH Royal Grand Vizier Amb. Dr. Percy TAMAYO also Instructed all its Branches World Wide To observe The Morn  as a Farewell Tribute To Passed away Soul Of Nancy Reagan The  wife of Ronald Reagan The Former President Of USA.

It is Truely a irreparable Loss  not only for  Her entire Family & For The Citizens of USA But  also for the Entire Global Citizens, Dr. Madhu Krishan added. 


#Media Department 
WHC General Assembly Headquarters of the World Humanity Commission (WHC) New - York, United States of America

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