Wednesday, July 21, 2010
His Excellency Most.Rev.Dr.Madhu Krishan, Founder & Chairman of Academy of Universal Global Peace Appreciated AUGP International Governors
His Excellency Most.Rev.Dr.Madhu Krishan, Founder & Chairman of Academy of Universal Global Peace Appreciated AUGP International Governors
July 21st, 2010His Excellency Most.Rev.Dr.Madhu Krishan, Founder & Chairman of Academy of Universal Global Peace & All the AUGP Board Members & AUGP Family Expressed their Heartiest Congratulations to the AUGP Board of International Governors Prof.Dr.Kevin Kemal Yildirim ( AUGP International Governor-Diplomacy) & Prof.Dr.Mirjana Radovic-Markovic ( AUGP International Governor – Europe) For their many International Activities towards Global Transformational Process to Build A Better World with Global Peace Habitation . Very Recently they achieved to play a Vital & active Role & Fruitful Participations in The International Conference , “On Co-Operative & Emerging Global Issues” at Istanbul, Turkey. Prof.Dr.Mirjana Radovic-Markovic, who is also OECD Consultant & Head of the OECD Project -Serbia Survey took part in the OECD Experts’ Meeting on the Black Sea and Central Asia Initiative held in Istanbul, Turkey. Prof. Dr. Mirjana Radovic-Markovic, also Presented IES Bulletin to Dr.Kevin Kemal Yildrim,( her long-time associate and associate of the journal JWE,)
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Most Rev. Dr. Madhu Krishan, Founder & Chairman Of Academy Of Universal Global Peace ,along with the Team of AUGP Global Prayer Wing Prayed for Estab
AUGP Global Prayer Wing Praying for Establishing the Global Peace
Most Rev. Dr. Madhu Krishan, Founder & Chairman Of Academy Of Universal Global Peace ,along with the Team of AUGP Global Prayer Wing Prayed for Establishing the Global Peace & also on Emerging Global Issues on 17th July 2010. It has been unanimously decided that followup chain prayer ,fasting Prayers & weekly Worshiping & Prayer fellowship of all the Prayer Warriors of AUGP should be a on going activities in the Respective Geographical areas of Team members.
Rt.Rev.Dr.Bishop John-UK, Pastors – Durai Raj, A.M.David, A.M.Balu, C.Thavaseelan, Manoharan, M.Alphonse, S.Samson, S.Jayaseelan, R.Robert Sahayaraj, Manjula the respective Geographical area / District /State – Coordinators and other groups of Prayer Warriors participated in the Prayer;
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010
His Excellency Most Rev.Dr.Madhu Krishan Founder & Chairman of ACADEMY OF UNIVERSAL GLOBAL PEACE ( & All the AUGP Board of Governors & AUGP Family, Sincerely Congratulated the International Governor of AUGP, Dr. Pepe Ramnath DD; Ph.D; (An Eminent Senior Scientist –USA) for his remarkable efforts to organize 2 Week LEADERSHIP SEMINAR TO ESTABLISH GLOBAL PEACE IN USA at MCCI & also Congratulated all the Esteemed Chosen Participants from various parts of the Globe who are participating in this seminar.
H.E.Most Rev.Dr.Madhu Krishan further added that all the Participants will be totally TRANSFORMED LEADERS (through all the skilled Facilitators /Faculties), at the end of the 2 Weeks Seminar & will become the skilled Trainers to Train other Trainers in their respective geographical Areas/ Nations to Establish Global Peace (Rom:10:14,15) to Build a PEACE LOVING, PEACE LIVING & PEACE PRACTICING GLOBAL COMMUNITY BEYOND ALL BOUNDARIES..
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Social Work Wing of AUGP Launches Community Sustainable Development Works & Humanitarian Works from Grass Root Village Level in India.
Social Work Wing of AUGP Launches Community Sustainable Development Works & Humanitarian Works from Grass Root Village Level in India.
The Social Work Wing of Academy of Universal Global Peace ( Launched The 2nd Phase of 2010 Community Sustainable Development Works & Humanitarian Works from South India which will continue in various regions of India and other parts of South Asia.
A Team of AUGP with Team Leaders Mr.Vinoth Daniel, Mr. Victor, Mr. Christopher and Mr.Premnath undertook various such works at different geographical areas in South India.
The Team was flagged off with Prayer by His Excellency Most.Rev.Dr.Madhu Krishan and other Senior Prayer Warriors of the Global Prayer Wing of AUGP.
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His Excellency Most Rev.Dr.Madhu Krishan Congratulates AUGP International Governor Prof.Dr.Mirjana Radovic-Markovic
His Excellency Most Rev.Dr.Madhu Krishan Congratulates AUGP International Governor Prof.Dr.Mirjana Radovic-Markovic
His Excellency Most Rev. Dr. Madhu Krishan Founder & Chairman Of Academy Of Universal Global Peace( & all the AUGP Board Members/Family, Congratulates AUGP International Governor Prof.Dr.Mirjana Radovic-Markovic , for her remarkable achievements during her recent Mission tour; aims at one of the most current research topics in Entrepreneurship and Management of Climate Change & other Emerging Global Issues, during The symposium , from 14th June, Great Britain at the invitation of Business School, Oxford University, United Kingdom. Her working visit to Great Britain also includes with a visit to the Westminster Kingsway College and the British Library in London.
Prof. Dr. Mirjana Radovic-Markovic mainly Focused in her address, on the topic “Importance of Female Social Entrepreneurship in Tackling Climate Change“
The symposium cum workshop brought together a large number of Research Scholars – Doctoral Students, Professors and Researchers from Oxford and other Universities in the UK & World wide.
Prof. Dr. Mirjana Radovic –Markovic also received her latest book from the hands of the book`s co-author Prof. Dr. Imani Silver Kyaruzi- London Graduate School of Management which was published in London on June 6th, 2010. The well attended celebration was held at the Royal Oxford Hotel in Oxford.
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His Excellency Most Rev. Dr. Madhu Krishan Congratulates The Project Director&Project Coordinator for “Community Driven Sustainable Development” ONE W
His Excellency Most Rev. Dr. Madhu Krishan Congratulates The Project Director&Project Coordinator for “Community Driven Sustainable Development” ONE WEEK Training Program for Asian NGOs.
His Excellency Most Rev. Dr. Madhu Krishan Founder & Chairman Of Academy Of Universal Global Peace( & all the AUGP Board Members/Family, Congratulates The Project Director Mr. Gilbert & Project Coordinator Mr. Joshua Edison Of AUGP & all the participants from USA, Italy, Europe , & Asian Countries for “Community Driven Sustainable Development” One Week (5th To 11th July) Training Program at BVK, NIT, Kazipet, which aims at: To increase the level of understanding of the participants on community development concepts and familiarize them with various approaches and tools that can be applied in the process of Empowering the community. Imparting knowledge: To increase knowledge on the various approaches to community driven sustainable development; Developing abilities and tools: To familiarize participants with community driven organization tools; Enhancing values and change of attitudes: To enhance understanding of, and respect for, local communities and their inherent capacities to work for their own development ; ULTIMATELY to Establish Peace Living & Peace Loving & Peace Practicing Cultured Transformed Community in their respective Geographical areas & Nations To Contribute for Global Peace Building Process.
Mr. Gilbert & Project Coordinator Mr. Joshua Edison Of AUGP & all the participants from USA, Italy, Europe , & Asian Countries.
Founder & Chairman of AUGP Dr.Madhu Krishan taking a stalk of the whole Relief & Rehabilitation Works by the Team of Disaster Management of AUGP.
Founder & Chairman of AUGP Dr.Madhu Krishan taking a stalk of the whole Relief & Rehabilitation Works by the Team of Disaster Management of AUGP.
Founder & Chairman of AUGP ( Dr.Madhu Krishan along with AUGP Family Members condoles the death of all the victims who recently died in the Flood at Haryana & Punjab. A Special Prayer was also organized by the Global Prayer Wing of AUGP for all the victim families and those families who are displaced, struggling for surviving in the absence of Clean Water, Food, Shelter and Medical Aid.
The Disaster Management Wing of AUGP started all the emergency Relief Works from the 1st hour of the Disaster in the said affected areas under the Team Leadership of Rt.Rev.Bishop.Dr.Harbhajan Singh with Emergency Medicines, Community Kitchen, Portable Water, Clothes and with all the other Logistics. At certain places intermediate shelters are also raised with the help of the Local Community Support.
The Disaster Management Team is trying to develop a synergy with all the developing agencies, NGOs, Local Community and Punchayats for effective implementation of Relief & Rehabilitation process.
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His Excellency Rev.Dr.Madhu Krishan (Eminent Scientist) Inaugurated the 2nd Phase of 2010 Mass Moment For Empowerment of Youths to Establish Global Pe
AUGP 2nd Phase of 2010 Mass Moment For Empowerment of Youths
His Excellency Rev.Dr.Madhu Krishan (Eminent Scientist) Inaugurated the 2nd Phase of 2010 Mass Moment For Empowerment of Youths to Establish Global Peace & to become the Peace Ambassadors (Rom:10:14,15) to train multitudes (more than 5000) to become the Peace Builders, Ultimately forming a Peace Loving-Peace living-Peace Practicing Communities in their respective geographical areas. During the training Program besides Biblical Teachings, the following main objectives was focused on, Transformation of youth in favor of approaches based on non-violence in the pursuit of development and Peace Nation-Building. · Encouraging, motivating rural youth to shoulder leadership roles in grass-roots development. · Inculcating in rural youth the values of universal brotherhood and zeal for selfless service towards the well being of the community. · Making social and educational interventions aimed at capacity and character building of youth. · Enabling the youth to overcome social divides and to work for peace and communal harmony. · Promoting solidarity among youth of the World through various extension programs and enable them to realize their full potential.
Dr. Madhu Krishan also thanked The Principal Mrs.Vijaya Dorathi & Dr. Rosaline Stanley,Youth Director of AUGP , Guduvanchary & all the Faculties for their Remarkable Efforts in Preparing & training the Youths for becoming the Peace Ambassadors.
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