www.augp.edu.in & www.augp.webs.com
Dr. Noema Chaplin; The Goodwill Ambassador Of Academy Of Universal Global Peace-AUGP has been congratulated by His Eminence Dr. Madhu Krishan, The Founder & Chairman Of AUGP & all the International Governing Council members of AUGP for her representation in United Nations during the The Third International Forum on Sport for Peace and Development, focusing on the theme “Creating a Common Vision”, took place at the UN Headquarter in New York, 5-6th June, 2013.
The Third International Forum on Sport
for Peace and Development, focusing on the theme “Creating a Common Vision”,
took place at the UN Headquarter in New
York, 5-6th June, 2013.
Stakeholders from Governments, the UN System, Sport’s organizations, Experts Institutions, Business World,
Universities and Media discussed the impact of sport to achieve the Millennium
Development Goals (MDG’s), as well as develop sport policies and strategies. Forum, organized by the International Olympic
Committee, the UN Office on Sport for Development and Peace (UNOSDP) and the US
Olympic Committee (USOC), included: Opening Ceremony, Inauguration of sport
exhibition and five sessions.

High Level speakers : UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon; President International
Olympic Committee (IOC) Dr. Jacques Rogge; The Rt Honourable Hugo Robertson, Minister of State for Sport
and Tourism, UK; Sir Phillip Craven, President of International Paralympic
Committee; Mr. Alexander Zhukov, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, Russian
Federation; H.E. Mr. Aldo Rebelo, Minister for Sport, Brazil; Ms. Debbie Lye,
International Development Director, UK sport; H.E. Ms. Fanny Palli-Petralia,
Vice-Chairperson of the International Olympic Truce Foundation and more
UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-Moon
highlighted the important of sport in Development and Peace building activities.
IOC President Mr. Jacques Pogge emphasized
“Sport is at work for Peace and Development in countries around the World.
Collaboration in this area has increased dramatically and involve a wide range
of committed partners - National Olympic Committees, International Federations;
UN agencies; UN Members
States and government
authorities; educational institutions. Sport is an effective tool for Peace,
Education, conflict prevention and resolution, gender equality, economic
The Rt Honourable Hugo Robertson, Minister of State for Sport
and Tourism, Government of the UK,
showed Video “London 2012” and highlighted
how well designed program of Olympic Games promote well-being of individuals
and Nations.
Collaboration is a Key to
increase the positive impact of Sport.
“Global Partnership for Development” can
be a model for Sports development.
Mr.Alexander Zhukov, Deputy
Chairman of the State Duma,
Russian Federation,
attracted attention by impressive important informative presentation about
preparation for the Winter Olympic Games “SOCHI 2014”. Over 60% finance are going from private
sector. Russian Government established
direct contribution to the economy,
development of infrastructure, roads,
transport, new Technologies. Volunteers over 100 countries contribute their
professional skills and Time for Success of “SOCHI 2014”. Sport – Champion for Peace.
Olympic Movement motivate Young
people: new Olympic University have been created to Educate Young professionals. “SOCHI 2014” renders
a positive socio-economic impact, generate new jobs, create healthy environment
for better happy life.
Mr. Marwan Julani, International
Federation of Red Cross, focused on Peace initiatives and Well-Being to promote non-violence. Mr.
Amir Dorsal, Global Partnership Forum, recommended Building sustainable collaboration
for development. Ms. Caitlin Morris, Executive Director of NIKE, demonstrated
“Sport as a tool for social changes”.
Mr. Wilfred Lemke, UN Special Advisor
on Sport for Development and Peace promoted “development and conflict resolution through
sport to be taken in the implementation
of the
relevant policies and strategies at the National and International
levels”. Dr. Mario Pescante, Permanent
Observer for the IOC to the UN, considered increasing role of Sport as part of
Education which create “bridges” for Mutual understanding and Peace.
The positive impact of Sport on Society
and Millennium Development Goals has been recognized. Sport as universal
language, create Effective Communication, Peace and Harmony between Nations. Olympic
Games - Active Powerful system with
positive influence on Social, Individual, Intellectual, Financial, Economic and
Physical aspects of our Society.
Complied By :-
Dr. Noema Chaplin
Goodwill Ambassador Of Academy Of Universal
Global Peace-AUGP
President International Federation
Executive Committee Member United Nations Foundation/UNA-USA’s Council of Organizations
Military Medical Academy
/Psychology & Education/ 10 years
Member of International Academy
UN Headquarter, New York
June 18, 2013