The World Reputed SCIENTIST His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan , Founder and Chairman of " ACADEMY OF UNIVERSAL GLOBAL PEACE " - AUGP Honoured / Conferred A Most Prestigious International Award , "ACADEMY AWARD " For Global Peace 2015, Upon His Excellency Professor Dr. ABDELATIF HAMZA Ph.D Of Uk
Dr. Madhu Krishan also Conferred Higher Doctorate Degree (Honoris Causa) In DOCTOR OF LETTERS . Earlier He had already Conferred Doctorate Degree In International Diplomacy , Upon H.E. Prof. Dr. Abedelatif Hamza On the bases of the Resolution passed by The World Governing Council of AUGP as Passed By The Governors in 77 Nations - The Branches Of AUGP.
His Eminence Dr. Madhu Krishan also ORDAINED / Commissioned H.E. Prof. Dr. Abedelatif Hamza as AMBASSADOR AT LARGE Of AUGP in UNITED KINGDOM and also Conferred Honoris Causa Doctorate Degree, Specialization In International Diplomacy along with a Certificate Of EXCELLENCE For His Continuous EXCELLENCE Work For Establishing Global Peace in accordance with the PEACE MISSION of AUGP which is Building Up a Sustainable Transformed CIVILIZATION Of " PEACE LOVING - PEACE LIVING - PEACE PRACTICING", From 3 Decades.
A Brief Profile Of
Global Recognized Professor
Global Recognized Professor

Abdelatif Hamza, Ph.D.

The updated News feed of..
Abdelatif M Hamza D.Litt.
His publications & life platforms
Here we only focusing on presenting the vital original global contributions
during the period 2011-2016, indicating through it the list of main vital publications
and the type of the effective life platforms which chosen during this time in
order to deliver the vast innovated ideas , terms, diagrams, models, and fundamentally
handling the scope of selected subjects covering the "administration,
politics and diplomacy" while providing consistent interpretations that heartily
and mindfully meant to promote the "world challenging desired humanity"
and the "genuine peace concerns solidly" and the "relevant knowledge
globally excitingly", his clear adopted approach announcing his deep believe
towards serving his stated "One organic world", "One spiritual humanity"
and the "One lovely fruitful colored civilization" that's humans totally
shared its built and ever it's made outcomes - which consistently being made by
the elite mixed peoples and their concerned efforts- throughout history and that
always meant for all throughout life as to equally share its grace globally..
his publications reflecting so much work and good concerns that which couldn’t
be all covered on such brief news issue..
The Publications:
- On 2016 (The Government Administration volume, 590 pages):
this academic book aiming to provide the chance to the Arab seniors to obtain
their DBA Degree through the e Learning process economically and timely,
the book title In Arabic: "Doctor of Business Administration... With Specialization
On Government Administration".. This
book covering 9 relevant important topics discussed and presented them deeply
and widely in order to promote the desired Arabic mentality, because the author
saw severe lacking of the public administration knowledge and profession
appeared clearly particularly after the Arab Spring 2011...believing that
successes on the Arabic Government Administration would help them build their
successful countries potentially.. Believing that the more Arabs build their
successful governments the more peace spread globally.. The topics selected
creatively in order to consistently fully cover the total quality of knowledge
and profession required, the author sent decades working in government and
proclaiming knowing its bits, ins and outs adequately.. Topics include the
fundamentals and dimensions of the Strategy Theory, the Constitution, The
democracy, the political parties, the elections, the management &
leadership, the Banking System, the Government Organization.. Etc. its really
an innovative useful exciting educationally competing work as the author meant.
- On 2015 (Global Leadership Quality volume, This is 5 training
Text books plus one written by other author): This work is already being
publically presented as to serve the one
globe eagerly, Its basically meant to enrich the leadership knowledge and
practices and bridging it positively into another sensitive dimension, through these training text books we would
find so many innovative global original contributions proclaimed by the author
& founder such presenting exciting formulas, diagrams, arguments and vital delicate
conclusions and interpretations which seen that generations & generations
will stand aside with it.. In fact, hard to cover all what's being presented
but may be interesting to mention new knowledge like: The Social Classes
Organic Theory S.O.C.T, the World Organic Leading Formulas, The Leaderships
Formations Realistic Mechanism, The leadership Influence Pyramid, The Law of
Positivity, The Diplomacy Ethical School,.. Etc.. while presenting such new
terms the author call the other scholars work in order to support the ultimate
optimal humanity, peace and administration main targets.. The whole work may be
seen as indicated by the author as a means to provide tools and operation
helping us to practice and adopt that the author calls: "Global Leadership
Total Quality Management"... The author believes it’s the whole world one
holly wholly responsibility to protect our "One world-body" and our "One
civilization" to be both functioning healthy.. And this could never be
established without assuring the elections would be ever selecting and
appointing the really very solidly positively global leaderships.. where this
training course contribute on such context. The training courses assist in
building the desired "leadership global compatibility:.. where we could summarize
the whole ideas in one statement as said by the author " Global Peace-Leadership
is the BACKBONE of the good great global leadership quality".. failing to
recognize that would keep the world facing the seven damaging indicators which
being discussed in training text book one.
- On 2015: (The Business Administration volume, 690 pages):
this academic book aiming to provide the chance to the Arab nominated
perspective business leaders as to
obtain their MBA Degree through the e Learning process economically and
timely, the book title In Arabic: "Master of Business Administration...
With General Specialization".. discussing 12 topics as being followed by
the world top tire business management institutions..
- 2011-2014 (6 books being published in Arabic)" : This include (1) Islamic
Banking System.. (2) All what you need to know about democracy &
constitution.. (3) Understanding how to form strategies.. etc.
In fact dealing with such vast area of
knowledge and concerns is not born during this specific period but as a
result of so many submitted studies and various books being drafted for
publishing since 1986.. Its worth to mention that the "Steady Employment Theory (S.E.T) Book, 1996"..
which meant then to remedy the unemployment plague globally.. as well the book
draft "The World Peace & Development Organic Theory, 2002"..Etc.
The Life Platforms:
Although what have been just mentioned were being books or courses that
which you have to buy them in order to
obtain the knowledge and achieve the goals.. Consequently the author &
founder chosen the following means in order to present the knowledge free for
all, as well as to communicate globally with all scholars and professionals as together
to improve such works further towards better desired secured World Wellbeing
and Quality of Living.
Briefly indicating the following:
- On 2011, LIDHRA: Established the Libyan International
Development Human Reliefs Association".
- On 2014, OXHIAC: Established the Oxford Higher Academy For
Research, In UK.
- On 2015: Joined LinkedIn in order to post the ideas on series called on
the Marginal Of The Academic Programs/ solving the world problems.. as being
working to publish same posts on the in a way to make the presentation complete & better in near
- On 2016 , AIPDF: Co-Founded the Arab International Public
Diplomacy Forum, which will be held number of times globally in order to
discuss and recommend what better
serving the Arabic Foreign Policies Internationally.. However its ultimate
objective is to bring the Arabic intellectuals and the world together suiting
professionally and humanely around one close table and sharing the one
responsibility towards solving the further perspective complicated matters.
Such great innovated efforts and good positive concerns were understood
in depth and evaluated "so excellence" by the Academy
of Universal Global Peace and granted him the Doctor of
Letters honorary degree.
© Academy of Universal Global Peace,New York, USA.