Saturday, November 23, 2024

World News | New York USA |An official letter from Hon'ble Donald Trump's Office from the Hon'ble Chairman Of MPAC USA ,Ps. Dr. MARK BURNS ,The Spiritual Advisor To The Hon;ble President Of USA His Excellency Mr. DONALD TRUMP , to congratulate the new Bishop of Sri Lanka Prophet Dr. Jerome Fernando ,who will be consecrated as Rt. Rev. Bishop By His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan who is The Patriarch , The Chief Apostle of The Synod Of The Global Apostolic Dioceses and Churches Inc. USA , ; ; ;        

 Dr. Mark Burns With Hon'ble Mr. Donald Trump 

An official letter from Hon'ble Donald Trump's Office from the  Hon'ble Chairman Of MPAC USA ,Ps. Dr. MARK BURNS ,The Spiritual Advisor To The Hon;ble President Of USA His Excellency Mr. DONALD TRUMP , has sent an official letter to congratulate the new  Bishop  of Sri Lanka  Prophet Dr. Jerome Fernando  who will be consecrated on 24th Nov' 2024  as Rt. Rev. Bishop By His Eminence  Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan  ,who is the The Patriarch , The Chief Apostle of The Synod Of The Global Apostolic Dioceses and Churches Inc. USA , which is legally Incorporated by USA Government  as 501 (c) (3) organization, valid for 99 Years  with  federal Tax Exempted by IRS   .

The holy  Affirmation and Consecration  Ceremony will be held in Colombo in the Glorious Church - Miracle Dome  in the witness of more than 20,000 and multitudes in on line from around the world .  .The  senior Team Of The Synod Of The Global Apostolic Diocese and Churches  Inc. USA ,which includes the Arch Bishops Prof. Dr. Lakshman Madhurasinghe from Sri Lanka and Prof. Dr. Paul Ambi from Germany will jointly laed the   Holy Consecration of Bishop  and Holy Convocation of B.Th , Degree and Ordination of many  Rev/Pastors  to minister in the Global apostolic Diocese  Cylone ,Sri Lanka  ( Under The Synod Of The Global Apostolic Dioceses and Churches Inc. USA 

All The Senate members and governing Council of AUGP USA ,UNUGP USA and The SGAD USA from all it's branches in 120 Countries have expressed their heartiest Congratulation to Rt. Rev. Bishop Dr. Jerome Fernando and all ordained  Rev/Pastors and the entire congregation. 

It is pertinent to mention that the Chairman Of MPAC  Ps. Dr. Mark Burns is an old alumni of AUGP USA wo har received Doctorate degree and other prestigious awards from His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan, who is also The Chairman cum Chief Rector of The American University USA and The United Nation University For Global  Peace  Inc USA  
Some  old photos of Dr. Mark Burns  with His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan are below.

Some Videos Links after the Events Can be seen By Clicking below 


Published & Posted By :-

Director General Of AUGP USA ,UNUGP USA and Doplomatic Mission ( DMPP )  Her Excellency Dr. Dylbere Dika Erta Poetia