Professor Dr.Mirjana Radović-Marković From Europe was Uplauded By Dr. Madhu Krishan ,Chairman Of AUGP, For Her Excellence Achievements
His Eminence Most Rev. Dr. Madhu Krishan Uplauded The Excellence achievements Of Professor Dr Mirjana Radović-Marković (From Europe)
His Eminence Most Rev. Dr. Madhu Krishan, Founder & Chairman Of “ACADEMY OF UNIVERSAL GLOBAL PEACE” & all the Board of Governors & AUGP Family Have uplauded & expressed their Heartiest Congratulation to one of The International Governor Of AUGP, Professor Dr. Mirjana Radović-Marković, Ph.D for her Excellence achievements in her Chosen field of “ Women Entrepreneurship” & for Preparing the “Module - Business Intelligence - To Beat The global economic Recession”.
Professor Mirjana Radović-Marković, Ph.D besides getting the Honour Of Doctorate Degree from “Academy Of Universal Global peace” , also holds B.Sc, M.Sc. and Ph.D. Degrees in Economics, as well as Post Doctoral Studies in Multidisciplinary Studies. In addition, she holds the Honorary Doctorate of Science (D.Sc) awarded by St. James the Elder Theological Seminary, Tennessee, US, 2010. She is also HOD Professor & the program director for the Entrepreneurship for Women program at Akamai University, Hawaii, USA.
Recently She was interviewed by leading Magazine of USA “ The Virtual Evolution” (helping to move Beyond The Confines Of ‘The Cave’ ) & also in other Media, where She mentioned that, “I(Professor Mirjana Radović-Marković;) am very proud of the fact that this magisterial program, Entrepreneurship for Women, is among the first of its kind not only at the Akamai University, but even broader. Rare are the universities that specified the entrepreneurship program in this way and focused upon women entrepreneurship. There certainly were people who held that there should be made no distinctions of this kind and that entrepreneurship should be taught in a classical method that incorporated certain general assumptions. In other words, the study of entrepreneurship was characterized by a neutral gender approach. In recent years the picture has gradually been changing. An increasing number of universities are becoming engaged in the issues of women entrepreneurship and study it as a discipline of its own. One of these is the GVF at Fairleigh Dickinson University, New Jersey, US, where I am also engaged in work with students at the “Women as Entrepreneurs“ program. When I created this program and its concept, more than six years ago, I was led by an idea that it should highlight the basic specific features that distinguish the women in business, in order that women might recognize and take them as their advantage to fare better in a business world so far dominated by men. Also, it is my opinion that, in addition to the barriers women is faced with in their family and in the social environment in many parts of the world, they lack the knowledge and skills to succeed in the business they start up.
The globalization and the new economic winds, and in the last two years, the economic crisis, have largely changed the conditions of doing business. Those with adequate knowledge and skills to adapt to them will find it easier to fight the crisis and survive in these turbulent times. Since the position of women, due to their being overburdened with duties, is usually not so favorable as that of men, a large number of women are not in a position to improve permanently and master new knowledge. Therefore, many of them cannot start up a business and succeed in it. This was what I had in mind when I started this pioneer work at Akamai University. My attitude was that this program should help students in any possible way and prepare them to develop and do business autonomously, to understand what decisions they had to make when they embark on an entrepreneurship journey and what to expect in the future. For the time being, this is a diploma program open to the students who completed their four-year studies.
She also very specifically commented her positive views on the benefits of formal education and online education for the virtual entrepreneur
Professor Mirjana Radović-Marković is actively involved in promoting the vision & mission of AUGP world wide to Form the Transformed Community Of ‘PEACE BULIDERS” –A Community Of –“PEACE LOVING-PEACE LIVING –PEACE PRACTICING CULTURED COMMUNITY” , His Eminence Most Rev. Dr. Madhu Krishan added in his message .
Press released By :- Director (Admin), AUGP.
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