Dr. Mirjana Radovic-Markovic The International Governor Of AUGP Elected As First Women Scientist From Serbia In The Prestigious World's Institute
Eminent Scientist Dr. Madhu Krishan Who is The Founder & Chairman Of AUGP & All AUGP Board Of Governing Council & AUGP Family Congratulated The International Governor Of AUGP Dr. Mirjana Radovic-Markovic , Who is Elected As The First Women Scientist From Serbia In The Prestigious World's Institute
Source http://blog.linked2balkan.com/balkan-succes/balkan-succes-of-the-month-april-dr-mirjana-radovic-markovic
Dr Mirjana Radovic-Markovic is a well known and very succesfull professor of Entrepreneurship from Serbia. She holds B. Sc, M. Sc. and PhD Degrees in Economics, as well as Post Doctoral Studies in Multidisciplinary Studies. The biggest success in her career is that she was recently elected as the first woman scientist from Serbia in the prestigious world`s institutions:
Dr. Mirjana Radovic-Markovic The International Governor Of AUGP Elected As First Women Scientist From Serbia In The Prestigious World's Institute
Eminent Scientist Dr. Madhu Krishan Who is The Founder & Chairman Of AUGP & All AUGP Board Of Governing Council & AUGP Family Congratulated The International Governor Of AUGP Dr. Mirjana Radovic-Markovic , Who is Elected As The First Women Scientist From Serbia In The Prestigious World's Institute
Source http://blog.linked2balkan.com/balkan-succes/balkan-succes-of-the-month-april-dr-mirjana-radovic-markovic
- Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts in the UK (the RSA )
The Royal Society of the Arts in the UK (the RSA) is a British multi-disciplinary institution, based in London. For over 250 years the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) has been a cradle of enlightenment thinking and a force for social progress. An example of the Society’s success is offered by the Oxford English Dictionary, which records the first use of the word “sustainability” in an environmental sense in the RSA’s Journal in 1980. The organisation is Incorporated by Royal Charter, is registered as a charity in England, The RSA is active in GB and Ireland Also in Australia, Belgium, India, Southern Africa and the USA. Each year a number of medals are awarded, including the Albert Medal, the Benjamin Franklin Medal, and the Bicentenary Medal. Medal winners include Nelson Mandela, Sir Frank Whittle and Professor Stephen Hawking.
- Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS)
The World Academy of Art and Science was established in 1960 as a non-official network of not more than 650 individual Fellows from diverse cultures, nationalities, and intellectual disciplines, “chosen for eminence in art, the natural and social sciences, and the humanities. Its activities focus on “the social consequences and policy implications of knowledge.” The World Academy of Art and Science was founded by leading scientists who were concerned about the potential for misuse of scientific discoveries. They included Albert Einstein, J. Robert Oppenheimer, and Joseph Rotblat who had been involved in the development of the atomic bomb; Bertrand Russell philosopher and pacifist; Joseph Needham, a co-founder of UNESCO; Lord Boyd Orr, the First Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization; George Brock Chisholm, the First Director General of the World Health Organization; John A. Fleming, former President of the International Council of Scientific Unions; as well as Hermann Joseph Muller, Harold C. Urey, Francis Perrin, Panchanan Maheshwari, Theodore Monod, Detlev Bronk, Harold Lasswell and other outstanding scholars and public figures. The Academy was organized in December, 1960 with the aim of creating an informal world association of the highest scientific and ethical norms and standards.
Dr Mirjana Radovic-Markovic is the “scientific success”” for Balkan and wider, the short bio of Dr Mirjana Radovic-Markovic is available under this text block. She has been elected to full professor at multiple universities in Serbia and abroad. As well invited for numerous lectures abroad, for instance for the OECD and Franklin College students,USA about “Entrepreneurship with focus on Women as Entrepreneurs in Serbia”. Professor Radović-Marković has written twenty books and over one hundred peer articles. Professor`s new book is WOMEN IN BUSINESS: Theory, Practice and Flexible Approaches, published by Adonis & Abbey Publishers Ltd, June 2010. London, UK.
Short bio
Dr Mirjana Radovic-Markovic is a full professor of Entrepreneurship .She holds B. Sc, M. Sc. and PhD Degrees in Economics, as well as Post Doctoral Studies in Multidisciplinary Studies. After her dissertation completing, she continued her advanced studies in the Netherlands, USA and Russia. She visited famous universities in the US (Stanford University, Columbia University, University of Pittsburgh), and gave lectures at Lomonosow (Russia) and recently at Oxford University (UK).
In addition, she holds the Honorary Doctorate of Science (D.Sc) Tennessee, US, 2010 and the Honorary Doctorate of Letters (D.Litt) From Academy Of Universal Global Peace (AUGP) ,Chennai, India, 2010 The awarding committees cited Dr. Radović-Marković for having served the world community with outstanding research in Economics and Women’s Entrepreneurship.
She has served as professor at a number of international universities, foundations and institutes. In addition, she is a Member of Scientific Committee, National Ministry of Science, Serbia (2010-) ,AUGP International Governor ,Europe (2010-).head of the Scientific Centre for Economic Researches,Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia ( 2008-),Member of Management Board of Institute of Institute of Economic Sciences (2008-)member of ERENET- Entrepreneurship Research and Education Network of Central European Universities, Corvinus University, Small business development Centre, Budapest, Hungary (2008-), vice president of International College of management and Technology ,West Africa (2008-),director of Entrepreneurship ,Alumni Association Network ,US (2008-), associate of Scientific Institute for Integrated and Development Studies, Kathmandu ,Nepal and fellow of ICAS –International Convention of Asia Scholars (2007-),director of master studies ,”Entrepreneurship for Women”, Akamai University,US (2004-) , and professor of the American School of Genealogy, Heraldry and Documentary Studies, a branch of the School of Genealogy, Heraldry and Documentary Sciences of Bologna, Italy.
Professor is a founder and editor in chief of Peer Journal of Women’s Entrepreneurship and Education (JWE). She is also editor in chief of -Economic Analysis, Institute of Economic Sciences ,(2009-)Belgrade, Serbia, editor of Journal of Business Economics and Management, Vilnius ( 2008-) North-German Academy of Informatology (Stralsund) and Vilnus Gediminas Tehnical University, Lithvania.Peer – Reviewed International Journal,(www.thomsonreuters.com),member of Editorial board of Scientific International Journal ( 2008-),member in the Advisory Board Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics ,Romania ( 2010-),member of Pakistan Journal of Business and Management ,Hamdard University, Pakistan ( 2010-), and member of Journal of Economics and Business Research, Faculty of Economics ,Arad, Romania ( 2010-).
She has written twenty books and more than hundred peers’ journal articles. Professor `s new book is WOMEN IN BUSINESS: Theory, Practice and Flexible Approaches, published by Adonis & Abbey Publishers Ltd, 2010. London, UK.
News source: Linked2Balkan link: article
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