Dr. Dyn Parry's name is recommended by the Governing World Council Of AUGP Board Of Governors in recognization for his excellent commendable works for more than Two Decades in the Area of humanitarian medical, poverty relief, emergency response through his organisation that operates a 'Health4Humanity' program of projects and chapters around the world.
Dr. Madhu Krishan also issued the AFFILIATION CERTIFICATE to The Esteemed INTERNATIONAL BLUE CROSS (IBC) Which comprises 1) a uniformed Blue Cross Corps, 2) a Faculty of Humanitarian Medicines, 3) a sub-faculty; the Faculty of Humanitarian Medical Doctors, 4) H4H Chapters Fellowship, 5) Humanitarian Medical Order of Knight Hospitallers.
Dr. Madhu Krishan also issued the AFFILIATION CERTIFICATE to The Esteemed INTERNATIONAL BLUE CROSS (IBC) Which comprises 1) a uniformed Blue Cross Corps, 2) a Faculty of Humanitarian Medicines, 3) a sub-faculty; the Faculty of Humanitarian Medical Doctors, 4) H4H Chapters Fellowship, 5) Humanitarian Medical Order of Knight Hospitallers.
The International Blue Cross (IBC) and its ‘Health4Humanity’ program have a reciprocal affiliation and collaborate with the World Organisation for Natural Medicine (WONM) and its 'Clinics for Humanity' program, and its faculty associations the Faculty of Humanitarian Medics & Faculty of Humanitarian Medicine Doctors (FHMD) are affiliated with WONM’s Universities of Humanitarian Medicine Federation besides its Affiliation with Academy Of Universal Global Peace (AUGP)
Dr. Dyn Parry is also unanimously Elected & Inducted in the Governing World Council Of AUGP as Intl. Governor .
Press Released By :-
Director (Admin)
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