His Excellency CELSO DIAS NEVES ,The Founder & President Of WPO is Conferred with Doctorate Degree Of Humanity by His Eminence Most Rev.Dr.Dr.Madhu Krishan, The Founder & Chairman Of "Academy Of Universal Global Peace (AUGP) on the recomendation of the World Governing Council Of AUGP Board Of Intl. Board Of Governors.

Press Released By
His Excellency CELSO DIAS NEVES ,The Founder & President Of WPO is Conferred with Doctorate Degree Of Humanity by His Eminence Most Rev.Dr.Dr.Madhu Krishan, The Founder & Chairman Of "Academy Of Universal Global Peace (AUGP) on the recomendation of the World Governing Council Of AUGP Board Of Intl. Board Of Governors.
Celso Dias Neves began his political career in the heyday of the 1970s, fifteen years have belonged to groups of young people who fought for freedom of thought and expression, repressed by AI 5, former military MDB alongside Franco Montoro one of the most feared Congressman combatant in the House of Representatives in favor of the achievements of citizenship.
In the 1980's was Parliamentary Secretary to the Federal Deputy Odemir Furlan, Chairman of the House Judiciary Constitution and, in the 1980s.
Along with Brandi Alexis Mauricio Itiberê Zen and founded the Democratic Republican Party PDR, there began the struggle for democratization OF BRAZIL, coupled with the Metalworkers Union of Sao Bernardo do Campo to support Lula, began to change in the social movements of Brazil, he served expansion of the ACIC Director Commercial and Industrial Association of Cubatão Â-SP, was Director and Editor of the Journal of Neighborhoods Mail, he was Director of the Municipal Association of Brazil, activist of Amnesty International in Sao Paulo, honorary member of the Order of the Immaculate Conception next to the Senator Teotonio Vilela blazed Brazil with the multiparty campaign alongside the PDR, a member of the Steering Committee led Tancredo Neves Since the Presidency of the Republic.
Former Director and Chair Holder No. five of the Academy of Arts of Central Brazil chaired by Dr. Rubens Carvalho "in memoriam" in Uberlândia Minas Gerais, started next to the General Andrada Serpa BRAZIL CAMPAIGN A THREATENED, come next to the General Serpa and Celso Brant, founder of the Party of National Mobilization PMN various capitals of Brazil, and consecrate the multiparty back from Brazil to the Rule of Law, was honored with the Knight's Cross of the Order of Merit Rural (UDR) Medal Ana Neri, Paste Knight of the Order of Christ was one of the few leaders to have the hearing closed doors at the top of Sumaré in Rio de Janeiro with his holiness Pope John Paul II during his visit to Brazil, I find this to honor the men who changed history of Brazil, it is noteworthy that this meeting was two hours, and the audience granted to the President Figueiredo was only half an hour, current Grand Master of Youth "templarinhos" Civil and Military Order of the Knights Templar, was honored as Citizen Goianense Title granted Goianá by the city of Minas Gerais, Diploma awarded by Radio Citizen Paulistano of Sao Paulo Guarulhos International, Diploma of Merit awarded by the Rotary Club, honored with the Cross of Merit National, was recently honored at the Grade of Commander of the Order and Civil Military Knights of the Temple Guardian and is Knight of the Holy City-Jerusalem, is Founder of the ABCP Brazilian Academy of Political Science Secretary General and current President of the Brazilian Academy of gossip columnists, OPB founder of the Order of Bishops of Brazil, founder of the Brazilian Association ABERTEC of Radio and Television Community, founder of the WPO ECO World Parliament of 92 NGOs and current President of the World Parliament of Peace and Security WPO inter-agency non-governmental observer at the UN in the global hierarchy is the second man after Ban Ki Moom UN Secretary General.
OPB currently coordinated by the Order of Bishops of Brazil in partnership with the National Drug SENAD Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic SCHOOL CAMPAIGN Chaplaincy, where pastors visit schools holding discussions on the effect of drugs and the consequences that the abuse takes the family to society.
Represented today by the World Parliament of NGOs more than 60 million NGOs in the world, founder and current Chief Justice of the Court of Arbitration for MERCOSUR, the Court created by Marcos Maciel law that leads to a citizen justice quickly and efficiently CIJA President of the Court International Arbitration Court of Justice which discusses the evolution of arbitration in the world exchanges with the world's major arbitral tribunals
It was the only leader to defend the Senator Romeu Tuma in the National Constituent Assembly when several lawmakers wanted his head on a long telex to President Sarney warned that if this occurred the President would be the next to fall, such intervention has been the subject of the tribute to Secretary General Brazilian Academy of Political Science by Dr. Alfredo Wilson Perpetual President of the Association of Chief Police Service.
It was the only political leader to publicly defend the military wage increase in the Collor government, getting a General Venaeau EMFA honor the Armed Forces General Staff, was among the first leaders to support the Application Collor launching the manifesto "and also Northeast Brazil" participated directly in its Central Committee, saving her campaign when joined in the challenge last time the PSC Social Christian Party, which is one of the founders along with Vitor Abdalla Ours.
Currently directs the National Civic Crusade for Peace, which will be played cross by the Brazilian Academy of gossip columnists in partnership with the World Parliament of Peace and Security
He was the author of several amendments in the National Constituent Assembly voted one of the most important was the "Law of Racial Prejudice" that enacted the law as a crime of racial discrimination, this law today as a model adopted by the UN.
Participates in various social movements fighting for human rights, has an extensive record of service rendered to Brazil is a member of the National Defence League, a member of the Association of Public Prosecution in Brazil, he was deputy coordinator of staff of the judiciary of Rio de Janeiro - Stick Childhood and Youth, founder of the City of St. Paul of super blocks.
Sources From:-
http://www.parlamentworld.org/celso_dias.phpPress Released By
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