www.augp.edu.in www.augp.webs.com
His Eminence Dr. Madhu Krishan The Founder & Chairman Of Academy Of Universal Global Peace- ( AUGP ) Confered Doctorate Degree To His Imperial Highness Prince Royal Arch-Duke- Javier otto Jorge Gold-Ferrari, Archbishop
Head of Name and Arms of the Royal House Gold-Ferrari. On The Recommendation & Resolution Passed By The World Governing Council Of AUGP.
H.E. Sir Matthias Friedrich Bork
His Eminence Dr. Madhu Krishan The Founder & Chairman Of Academy Of Universal Global Peace- ( AUGP ) Confered Doctorate Degree To His Imperial Highness Prince Royal Arch-Duke- Javier otto Jorge Gold-Ferrari, Archbishop
Head of Name and Arms of the Royal House Gold-Ferrari. On The Recommendation & Resolution Passed By The World Governing Council Of AUGP.
His Royal Highness Don Javier Otto Jorge Gold Ferrari
His Imperial Highness Prince Royal Arch-Duke- Javier otto Jorge Gold-Ferrari, Archbishop Head of Name and Arms of the Royal House Gold-Ferrarih, is the Head of the Princely-Ducal House Gold Ferrari Rurikovich,
the Sovereign Grand Master of the Order of Gold Ferrari, the Most Serene Grand
Master of the Sovereign Order of Knight King Christ,
Don Javier Otto Jorge Gold Ferrari is also the Honorary President of the Canadian Nobility Association and
is also holding countless honorary memberships in Orders of Knighthood, among
them Grand Prior for Peru for the Imperial Order Constantine the Great, and
many more. He is a member in the “Assembly of Princes” in Russia and the
Archbishop of Latin America of the Nova Church of Sacred Russia as well as the
representative of the Nova Church of Sacred Russia in the Western hemisphere.
For his involvements in
worldwide charity work he was chosen “Ambassador of Goodwill” for SPMUDA International.
Academically His Royal Highness is holding 9 Doctorate or Post doctorate degrees in Psychoanalysis,
Philosophy, Theology, Divinity, Marketing, Civil Law, Canonical justice,
International Economics, Business Administration and History, is an Honorary
Professor and Dean for 3 Universities, and was honored so ar with 10 Honorary
Doctorates from various Universities and Institutions from USA, Brazil, Italy,
France and Spain.
Su Alteza Imperial l
Principe Prof. Dr.Fr. ++ Javier Otto Jorge Gold Ferrari,Ph.D;
Head of Name and Arms of the IMPERIAL House Gold-Ferrari-Ruricovich;
.Miembro del Fondo de los Principes y de la Asamblea.
.Prorector Mundial Universidad Emill Brunner.
.Prorector Mundial Universidad Anselmo de Aosta.
Prorector Mundial Fatenovi-Facultad de teologia Nueva Vida.
Doctorado en Diplomacia y Relaciones Humanas
Doctorado ,Economia internacional y Administracion de Empresas.
Doctorado y Post Doctorado en Teologia.
Doctorado en Divinidad.
Doctorado en Psicoanalisis.
Doctorado en justicia canonica. .
Doctorado en Letras.
International Governor Peru AUGP
Doctorado University International Cambridge.
Doctorado en Ciencias Criminales PhD.
.Doctor Honoris Causa en Humanidad Por La Academia.
Brasilera de Ciencia Politica..
Mienbro Academico de Numero de la Academia Heraldica Saint Paul.
Mienbro Honorario de The Canadian Health Sciences Institute
. Principe de Gold Ferrari..Rurikovich .
.Archiduque Royal de Sezibwan
Duque de Sezibwan
Duque de Gold Ferrari Rurikovich
Serenisimo Soberano Gran Maestre Serene Sovereign Order Knight of King Christ.
SerenĂsimo Soberano Gran Maestre de la Orden de Gold Ferrari..
Presidente Asociacion de Nobles De Canada.. http://www.wix.com/CasaDucalGoldFerrari/Casa-Ducal-De-Gold-Ferrari
http//principe-duque-gold-ferrari.blogspot.ca /..
Head of Name and Arms of the IMPERIAL House Gold-Ferrari-Ruricovich;
.Miembro del Fondo de los Principes y de la Asamblea.
.Prorector Mundial Universidad Emill Brunner.
.Prorector Mundial Universidad Anselmo de Aosta.
Prorector Mundial Fatenovi-Facultad de teologia Nueva Vida.
Doctorado en Diplomacia y Relaciones Humanas
Doctorado ,Economia internacional y Administracion de Empresas.
Doctorado y Post Doctorado en Teologia.
Doctorado en Divinidad.
Doctorado en Psicoanalisis.
Doctorado en justicia canonica. .
Doctorado en Letras.
International Governor Peru AUGP
Doctorado University International Cambridge.
Doctorado en Ciencias Criminales PhD.
.Doctor Honoris Causa en Humanidad Por La Academia.
Brasilera de Ciencia Politica..
Mienbro Academico de Numero de la Academia Heraldica Saint Paul.
Mienbro Honorario de The Canadian Health Sciences Institute
. Principe de Gold Ferrari..Rurikovich .
.Archiduque Royal de Sezibwan
Duque de Sezibwan
Duque de Gold Ferrari Rurikovich
Serenisimo Soberano Gran Maestre Serene Sovereign Order Knight of King Christ.
SerenĂsimo Soberano Gran Maestre de la Orden de Gold Ferrari..
Presidente Asociacion de Nobles De Canada.. http://www.wix.com/CasaDucalGoldFerrari/Casa-Ducal-De-Gold-Ferrari
http//principe-duque-gold-ferrari.blogspot.ca /..
Published By:-
Count of Abenheym
Count of the Grand-Ducal August House of Rurikovich
Founder of the Canadian Nobility Association
Knight & Grand Officer, Serene Sovereign Order Knight King Christ
Knight, Poor Knights of Christ from the Temple of Salomon in Jerusalem
Ambassador of Peace and Humanity, SPMUDA International
Datuk & Royal Cultural Ambassador for the Royal Hashemite Sultanate of Sulu & Sabah
International Governor Canada for AUGP
Secretary and Personal Assistant to His Highness Princely Duke Javier Otto Gold Ferrari Ph.D.
Dr.hc Visual Arts, Emill Brunner University
Dr.hc Humanity, AUGP
Congratulations dear Brother. H.I.H. Grand Sovereign Prince Jeffery I Rex-Imp. Sezibwan.
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