www.augp.edu.in www.augp.webs.com
Eminent Scientist His
Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan Conferred Degrees To 172 PEACE BUILDERS / AMBASSADORS who
graduated after two days Seminar/ Training To Trainers Conference on 12th
& 13th April’2016.
Joseph PV, an IT Professional from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India were also Conferred
Doctorate Degree by his Eminence Dr.
Madhu Krishan
Highly impressed by the Teachings of Dr. Madhu Krishan &
other Faculty Dr. Subash William, Dr. Joseph have expressed his Gratitude . His
Email is reproduced here for Public with his Consent.
I am very
happy to send this email and hope you are seeing this note
in good health and cheer.
Here is a short note on the conference experience and some photos
taken during that time....
Indeed the 2 day session was very useful with respect to gaining the
knowledge on Various Aspects .
It is first time for me to attend such type of a session, which had
definitely given me an insight to the roots into Historical facts
based on events portrayed .
Especially the teachings of Dr. Subash Williams, led the conscious to
the deeper on the foundation laid by our Lord during B.C reign in the
aspects of creating a dynasty, right from Abraham.
The knowledge that Dr. Subash Williams endorses is awesome and it is a
great & humble job that he is sharing with hundreds of people around
to enlighten them.
in good health and cheer.
Here is a short note on the conference experience and some photos
taken during that time....
Indeed the 2 day session was very useful with respect to gaining the
knowledge on Various Aspects .
It is first time for me to attend such type of a session, which had
definitely given me an insight to the roots into Historical facts
based on events portrayed .
Especially the teachings of Dr. Subash Williams, led the conscious to
the deeper on the foundation laid by our Lord during B.C reign in the
aspects of creating a dynasty, right from Abraham.
The knowledge that Dr. Subash Williams endorses is awesome and it is a
great & humble job that he is sharing with hundreds of people around
to enlighten them.

It was really a great opportunity to meet the eminent philanthropist,
our chairman - Dr. Madhu Krishnan and it is amazing that had a chance
to attend his session for 2 days.
There is no words to mention about his quality of teaching and the
punctuality that he maintains.

It is nevertheless, I am so lucky enough to attend this 2 day training
on Global Peace and meet lots of people from various parts of Tamil
Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra and few northern parts of India.
As I envisioned from this 2 day conference on Global Peace, hope
everyone who had attended has the same opinion.
It would be very fruitful that all the people who had attended this
conference is sharing the news to other people in the areas where they
work & preach.
Global Peace is no where.... It is within our own minds that we
propagate & propel to others, as we go.

Once again, thanks for allowing me to attend this wonderful conference
on Global Peace and organizing all arrangements for accommodation &
refreshments in coordination with Bishop. Edwin @ Bangalore.
A self
Introduction about myself (Dr. Joseph PV.) and my work
I(Dr. Joseph PV.) hail from a
remote village in the farthest border of Nilgiris District as the last born,
among 8 children to my farmer parents. After my schooling, I shifted to Coimbatore
and struggled a lot to complete my degree by doing part-time jobs. Right from
the school days, I am very much interested to help others and not to miss any
opportunity to be socially responsible in all possible ways.
In my first company
@ Coimbatore, I took initiatives with the help of few colleagues to start the
CSR Team (Corporate Social Responsibility) and started to do some fund-raising
and with the help of that, we used to support the local Govt. Primary Health
Center, Govt School for providing the basic amenities/furniture etc.
With God's
grace this activity has developed vastly and continued in multitudes from then.
After few years, I
have relocated to Chennai and associated with 3 other International NGO's and
managing the complete operations/charity activities in India.
In the past
10 years, have been able to do the charity work @ zero administration cost and
have visited every corner in Tamil Nadu to empower the local Govt. Schools in
the forms of providing furniture, computers, construction of science lab,
evening tuition centers etc.
Similarly lots of
other projects for the self-income generation projects to the deprived
rural/tribal community people across Tamil Nadu, few parts of Kerala/Andhra.
Few International
Organizations have conferred few International and National Awards for the
achievements. Now, AUGP has recognized with highest Doctorate Degree and I am
very proud to be honoured with such a blessing. However I feel this as just a
beginning of a long way with lots of challenges and hurdles in the path of
social work and service to the needy by propagating the peace of God.
Presently I am
working @ IBM, Chennai in a responsible role managing few technical teams
supporting globally along with and equal importance, the social works are also
going on and it is possible with God's grace, support of my family/friends and
organizing tasks & time.
Joseph PV
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