His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan The Eminent Scientist , The Founder and Chairman Of "ACADEMY OF UNIVERSAL GLOBAL PEACE" - USA ; Who is also The Executive Director General and Ambassador Extraordinary Eurasia Of "INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF INTERNATIONAL RELATION HUMAN RIGHTS AND PEACE - An Inter-Government Organization Under Accreditation Under UNITED NATIONS ; will Honour on 23rd Nov'2016 to His Excellency Prof. Sir SURESH KUMAR AGERWAL Chancellor of Pragyan International University and Founder President of Indian Board of Alternative Medicine with The Very Prestigious AWARD , Namely " ACADEMY HUMAN EXCELLENCE AWARD" 2016For Establishing Global Peace Through his Incredible , Commendable Noble Works for more than 3 Decades in his Chosen Field Of Alternative Medicine , Complementary Medicines .
Doctorate Degree (Honoris Causa) will also be Conferred By His Eminence Dr. Madhu krishan on 23rd Nov'2016 in Sri Lanka to His Excellency Prof. Sir Dr. SURESH KUMAR AGERWAL on the basis the Resolution passed by the World Governing Council of Governors of 77 Nations in New York, USA in The HQ of AUGP
Dr. Suresh Kumar Agarwal, Chancellor of Pragyan International University (www.pragyanuniversity.edu.in), Founder President of Indian Board of
Alternative Medicines (www.altmedworld.net), World Yoga Foundation
(www.worldyogafoundation.net) and Peace Society
Worldwide (www.peacecharterworldwide.com), is a multi-faceted personality and a highly
qualified practitioner of Yoga, Naturopathy, Homoeopathy, Reiki, Meditation,
Psychotherapy and a host of alternative, complementary & holistic healing
practices. He holds several academic degrees including Masters in diverse
subjects such as Yoga, Psychology, Law, Homoeopathy etc. He is also a Lifestyle Management Consultant certified
by the Harvard Medical School, (USA).
He has authored more than a dozen books.
For more than last three decades Dr. Agarwal has been
continuously contributing to the ultimate noble goals of World Peace,
International freedom and justice, economic and social development generated by
individual’s full development (physical, mental, social and spiritual
development with environmental harmony) and peaceful social activity through
the dissemination of holistic education, solidarity, co-operation and service
to humanity with open mind, good will, foresight and love for fellow human
beings which will assure a better world where all human beings will live
creatively in peace, happiness and health and achieve all the success they so
pre-eminently deserve.
He has
conducted several International workshops, seminars & conferences and
travelled wide & far such as U.S.A., U.K., France, Netherlands, Germany,
Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, Romania, Egypt, Singapore, Thailand, Sri Lanka,
UAE, Malaysia, Nigeria, Kenya, Nepal, etc. to promote and popularize the traditional
& complementary health & healing sciences. He is associated with many
national & International organizations in various capacities such as
Patron, Advisor, Life member, etc.
Dr. Agarwal has been the recipient of more than 100
awards, honors, accolades & titles. In 1995 he was invited by International
Institute of Non-Aligned Studies to deliver speech at Rajyasabha. Dr. Agarwal was invited as guest speaker in the
International Conference on Integration of Traditional (CAM) Medicine &
Modern Medicine organized by the Islamic
Organization for Medical Sciences in collaboration with World Health Organization on 12th
to 15th October, 2012 at Cairo,
Egypt. On 4th October, 2013 he was presented Mahatma Gandhi Samman by Rt. Hon’ble
Baroness Sandip Verma, Minister of Energy & Climate Change, U.K. in
recognition of contribution and dedication to worthy causes and his
achievements in keeping the flag of India high at House of Lords, London. He he was conferred with the titles of “Jewel of India Award” by the NRI Welfare Society at White House Washington D.C. (U.S.A.) on
13th May, 2015; “The World Best Holistic
Medicines Convocator” by the National
Complementary and Alternative
Medical Association (Nigeria) and “Yoga
Guru” by the Community Welfare Foundation
at Hotel Hindustan International (Kolkata) on 1st July, 2015. . He was
conferred with ‘Lord Buddha
International World’ on 29th July, 2016 at a glittering function attended
by more than 700 luminaries from different walks of life at The Park Hotel,
Kolkata. He has been appointed as a Goodwill Ambassador of The Canadian Health Sciences Institute (IGO under consultative
status with UN) in 2016. On the occasion of United Nations World Teachers Day
(5th October, 2016) Dr. Agarwal was felicitated with the Education Entrepreneurship Award 2016 for his contribution in the
field of higher education by Confederation
of Indian Universities.

Agarwal Presenting the Seva Chakra Award to the Dr. S.
K. Agarwal, Presenting the Seva Chakra Award
Nobel Laureate Blessed Mother Teresa in 1995 to H.H.
The Dalai Lama

Dr. Agarwal presenting H.E. A P J Abdul Kalam Dr. Agarwal with Hon'ble P.M. of India,
Dr Manmohan
a memento on 27th February, 2004 Singh on 8th April,

Dr. S.K. Agarwal with a team of students at
South Korea Dr.
S.K. Agarwal with a team of students in Nigeria

Dr. S.K.
Agarwal with a team of students at Malaysia Dr. Agarwal conducting class on Pyramid
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