Dr. Madhu Krishan & Dr. Shefki Hysa Conferred Doctorate Degree To Dr. Sandor Milesz of Hungary
His Eminence Dr. Madhu Krishan The Founder and Chairman Of Academy Of Universal Global Peace -AUGP and Dr. Shefki Hysa The International Governor Of AUGP & also Governor of Diplomatic Mission - DMPP , Conferred
" Dr. Sador Milesz " with Doctorate Degree on the basis of The Resolution Passed in USA By The World Governing Council Of International Governors Of 70 Nations of AUGP .
Dr. Madhu Krishan appreciated the Work of Excellence done by Dr. Sandor Milesz specially his research work in Innovative Agriculture Science & Nuclear Science & also his latest Book on Alovera Science for Health Sector.
Dr. Madhu Krishan who is also the Honry. Chairman Of Diplomatic Mission DMPP & Dr. Shefki Hysa The Governor Of Diplomatic Mission DMPP also Ordained Dr. Sador Milesz as Honry. Ambassador Of PEACE Of Diplomatic Mission In Hungary
Besides The Hon'ble Vice President Of Hungarian Parliament , Many Ministers, Parliamentarians , Heads of various Department and Organizations , A Well attended Participants of more than 7000 of High Level Delegates from among 80 Nations witnessed the Convocation Cum Seminar .

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A Brief Profile Of :-
Dr. Sándor Milesz – A Peace Missionary between Hungary and Albania
Dr. Sándor Milesz – A Peace Missionary between Hungary and Albania
Dr. Sándor Milesz was born on 5th November 1958, in Beregszász. He finished his primary school in the Kossuth Lajos Secondary School, then continued his studies in Debrecen, in a Chemical Secondary School. In 1978, he got accepted in the Chemical Department of the University of Debrecen.
After graduating, in 1983 he became a tutor and researcher of the inorganic and analytics departments and the isotope laboratory of the University. In 1986, he finished his dissertation summa cum laude and became a doctor. That year he became a member of an international researcher group dealing with cancer, in the United Atomic Research Institute in Dubna, with a scholarship of MTA (Hungarian Academy of Science).
As a result of his work, he published several international scientific issues, participated in many conferences, prepared lectures. In addition, he applied for patents. In 1990 he went back to the University of Debrecen as a tutor, and at the same time began producing some products containing herbal components as an entrepreneur and applied for several patents.
From 1995, he became a vice-president of the Hungarian Traditional Medicine Society, the owner of the Pro Natura et Vita prize. In 1997, he got a life-work award in appreciation of his activity in the field of traditional medicine and health care.
Dr. Madhu Krishan, Chairman of AUGP and Honorary Chairman of DMPP and Dr. Sándor Milesz,Honorary Ambassador of DMPP
From 1997, he is the managing director of Forever Living Products Hungary Ltd being the main seller of Aloe Vera products in Hungary, South Slavic region, Albania and Kosovo. During the last years he played a main role in the massive development of the Company and in making the Aloe products widely popular and well-known.
Currently he is the leader of the Ltds, including the affiliated companies abroad, in 12 settlements. Besides Hungary, his activity includes businesses in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, Kosovo and Albania. He provides great support for those in need. He has continuously supported children with cancer; collected money for the victims of the tidal wave, flood victims, infants. He also provides regular support for young artists and folk arts groups, children’s cultural groups etc.
He fulfills his tasks with the help of more than one million registered regular customers and distributors.
He is a member of the American Chamber of Commerce, the Hungarian Business Leaders Forum, the Joint Venture Association, Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists, the International Aloe Science Society and the Budapest Economics Forum.
In 2012, he won the second classification prize by the Hungarian Ministry of Defense for the hard work of the national defense.
He is the Hungarian Prior of the Sovereign Order of Saint John Knights of Malta and he undertakes responsible job in other Orders. In the framework of this charity organization, Sir Milesz Sándor has gathered donations in support of populations in nature calamities.
For example, two years earlier, when Shkodra region was under flood inundation Malta Sovereign Knights Association with the initiative of Sir Milesz Sándor and Sir Borbáth Attila, Director of Forever Living Products of Albania and representative of Malta Knights in Albania, brought in Albania a donation of medicaments for the hospitals with a value of about 800 000 Euro, transporting these aids with their expenditures.
He does an active work in the International Charity Foundation “Forever Giving” of Forever Living Products.
He is the editor-in-chief of a commercial and network monthly magazine, published in 50 thousand copies. In the meantime, he is finishing his first scientific book of Aloe Vera in 2014.
Dr. Milesz Sándor, as an intellectual erudite with a noble and charitable heart, has helped a lot the social classes in need. He is one of the most committed peace missionaries in the International Lobbying Organization Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity, accredited by UN, EU, USA.Dr. Milesz Sándor and his activity are an example for everyday strengthening of traditional Hungarian and Albanian friendship, not only inviting many groups in Hungary in the framework of activity of Forever Living Productions company but in other sectors as is the case of fraternal twinning between of Quarter 8 of Tirana Municipality and Quarter Budajenö of Budapest.
Dr. Milesz Sándor is an Honorary Ambassador of this mission that operates in the Balkans and worldwide for peace and prosperity in help of the countries under development, according to the principles of the American democracy.
Posted By :- Diplomatic Mission,
Republic Of Albania- Europe.

Arba , Chief Advisor Of Diplomatic Mission -DMPP,
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