www.augp.edu.in and www.augp.webs.com
His Eminence Dr. Madhu Krishan ,The Founder & Chairman Of " ACADEMY OF UNIVERSAL GLOBAL PEACE" -AUGP Conferred Doctorate Degree (Specialization In Arts and Human Letters) upon Ndichia Tilder KUMICHII Of Cameroon, Africa, on the Recommendation and Evaluation Done by Dr. Benard Etta , The Commissioned International Governor Of AUGP and on The Basis of The Resolution Passed By the World Governing Council Of AUGP.
A Brief Profile Ndichia Tilder KUMICHII
At 50, NDICHIA Tilder Kumichii is an
excellent resource person nationally and internationally, recognized for her
expertise in gender issues, project monitoring and evaluation, and participatory
trainer. Her understanding of
development issues and her strong stance on the importance of social justice
through the empowerment of women and youths makes her contribution to impact on
the lives of many. She was awarded a Certificate of Excellence on March 8th
2014 for her contribution to the empowerment of women in the North West Region
in particular and in Cameroon in general by the Administration of the North
West Region.
She has:
Excellent skills in oral and written communication,
in facilitating and moderating participatory training workshops. seminars and
Excellent skills in processing information using
different software programs,
Competent in project management, organizational
management and organizational Development,
Active in promoting and protecting women’s right in
particular and human rights in general
Creative manager in working with partners,
communities and people
Over the past 15 years, KUMICHII has participated in different trainings and
workshops both nationally and internationally on different development related
topics ranging from participatory training and working methods, project
planning, implementation and evaluation, international Human Rights Law and
advocacy, gender sensitive conflict management strategies, advanced security
for human rights defender, etc. She offers consulting services on gender and
development related issues and human
rights and currently offers voluntary services to Gender Empowerment and
Development (GeED) an organization she contributed in setting up, which currently works on
School related Gender Based Violence.
For over 20
years, KUMICHII has worked with civil society in Cameroon and Africa developing
policies and projects at international, national and local levels with farmers,
women, youth, persons with disabilities, students associations, Religious
institutions, government Institutions, etc. She belongs to different networks
nationally and internationally and has been actively involved in lobbying and
advocacy at all levels. She has participated in national and international
conferences and has gained much experience from her participation in 5 World
Social Fora in different countries. She has also presented the following
Ø Strategies to close gender gaps in Cameroon during
political dialogue by FES Cameroon
Ø Beijing +15: The reality and the unfinished Business,
published by FES and GeED, 2012
Ø Local Power and Women´s Rights: Potentials and
Constraints of Decentralization Processes for Gender Equality - the Cameroon
case in Bonn, Germany, November 2009
Ø Need for early warning – up-coming elections and participation of women in Cameroon, Berlin
Germany, May 2009
Ø Gender equality in Africa – During the EU-Africa Strategy , Nairobi 2009
Ø Poverty and
its consequences on women in the North West Region and some attempts towards
its alleviation, during the International day of the women, 2001
Ø Entrepreneurship
for girls and women, during the Business Development forum organized by the
Presidency of Cameroon for youths and women of the North West Region.
Ø Customs and
practices that violet women’s rights and inflict psychological and physical
violence on women during the International day of the women in Fundong sub
Ø The family as
the smallest unit of the society presented during the celebration of the day of
the Family in Bamenda – 1997
Ø Sexual abuse
on the girl child, during the day of the African child in 1997
Inspired by
her 25 years of experience in her worldwide networking on issues of development
and her fieldwork, she has gained broad knowledge on the importance of gender
and human rights to the development process.
She has also participates in co writing of alternative report to
the CPR committee and has participated also in the review of Cameroon by the UN
Human Rights Committee in 2010. She also participated in co-writing of the shadow
report to ESCR committee and participated in the review process of Cameroon by
the Committee in 2011.
Prof. Guide and Mentor Of Dr.NDICHIA Tilder Kumichii and Evaluated By :-
Prof. Dr. Benard Etta ,
The Commissioned International Governor Of AUGP

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